Most of the Campus Radio Systems are patched thru the Campus Phone Networks.
Hospital Security and Police Departments, with the exceptions of Community Health Networks, and Ascension - St. Vincents, use the Indianapolis Department of Public Safety TRS, on System 1.
Community Hospital (Indianapolis)
Community Health Network has launched their own police force effective 1/12/21 LINK
Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Project 25 Phase I | EMS Patient Reports. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
452.625 | WQVS399 | RM | CC 1 TG 111 SL 1 |
CH Police N 625 | Police: North (Simulcast w/ 453.950) | DMR | Law Dispatch |
463.950 | WNCX818 | RM | CC 1 TG 111 SL 1 |
CH Police N 95 | Police: North (Simulcast w/ 452.625) | DMR | Law Dispatch |
464.700 | WQVB338 | RM | CC 1 TG 210 SL 1 |
CH Police South | Police: South | DMR | Law Dispatch |
464.925 | WQTM666 | RM | CC 1 TG 310 SL 1 |
CH Police East | Police: East | DMR | Law Dispatch |
464.925 | WQTM666 | RM | CC 1 TG 311 SL 1 |
CH Police E Ops | Police: East Operations | DMR | Law Dispatch |
Eskanazi Health (Indianapolis)
Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Project 25 Phase I | Eskanazi Patrol, and EMS Patient Reports. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.1125 | WPJQ324 | RM | CC 3 TG 1001 SL 1 |
EH Control | Control | DMR | Business |
462.1125 | WPJQ324 | RM | CC 3 TG 406 SL * |
EH Maintenance | Maintenance | DMR | Business |
451.575 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 451.575 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
452.275 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 452.275 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
461.375 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 461.375 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
461.4625 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 461.4625 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
461.825 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 461.825 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
462.0125 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 462.0125 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
463.550 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 463.55 | Operations | DMR | Business | |
464.925 | WPJQ324 | RM | EH Ops 464.925 | Operations | DMR | Business |
Franciscan Health
Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Project 25 Phase I | Franciscan Security and EMS Patient Reports. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.8875 | WQQQ582 | RM | CC 13 TG 118271 SL 1 |
FH Shuttles | Shuttle Buses | DMR | Transportation |
451.950 | WQQQ582 | RM | FHS Sec/Ops 2 | Franciscan South - Security and Operations 2 | DMR | Security |
IU Health
IU Health uses an Statwide IP Site Connected Conventional DMR system, in addition to individual DMR TRS's at various locations. Talkgroups are shared across the entire network at least on the conventional network. Example: TG 400 is Plant Operations Primary SPOC for all facilities, and TG 1000 is used by Security and Safety for most facilities outside of Indianapolis. IUH Police in Indianapolis use the IDPS System 1 for communications.
Indiana Project Hoosier SAFE-T Project 25 Phase I | Talkgroup 10119, used by Department of Public Safety Dispatch |
Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Project 25 Phase I | IU Health Safety and IU Health Police, IU PD, and EMS Patient Reports. |
Indiana University-IUPUI Campus DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | IU Riley, and IU University Maintenance have access to this system. |
Indiana University Health - LTR LTR Standard | IU Methodist, IU University IU Riley, and IU North Food Services and some Operations. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.500 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 2 TG 200 SL 2 |
IU METH OPS | Methodist - Ops | DMR | Business |
451.8875 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 1 TG 100 SL 2 |
IU METH OPS1 | Methodist - Operations 1 | DMR | Business |
451.8875 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 1 TG 200 SL 1 |
IU METH OPS2 | Methodist - Operations 2 | DMR | Business |
451.8875 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 1 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU METH MAINT1 | Methodist - Maintenance 1 (Simulcast with 464.6375) | DMR | Business |
463.6875 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 4 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU WILE MAINT2 | Methodist Wile Hall - Maintenance 2 | DMR | Business |
464.6125 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 5 TG 1 SL 1 |
IU WILE PAGE | Methodist Wile Hall - Alerting | DMR | Business |
464.6375 | WQOQ230 | RM | CC 4 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU WILE MAINT1 | Methodist Wile Hall - Maintenance 1 (Simulcast with 451.88750) | DMR | Business |
463.250 | WQOP504 | RM | CC 1 TG 200 SL 1 |
IU SAXONY OPS2 | Saxony - Operations 2 | DMR | Business |
463.250 | WQOP504 | RM | CC 1 TG 1000 SL 1 |
IU SAXONY SEC3 | Saxony - Security 3 | DMR | Security |
463.250 | WQOP504 | RM | CC 1 TG 100 SL 1 |
IU SAXONY OPS1 | Saxony - Operations 1 | DMR | Business |
463.750 | WQOP434 | RM | CC 6 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU RILEY MAINT1 | Riley - Maintenance 1 | DMR | Business |
464.400 | WQOQ229 | RM | CC 12 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU Univ Maint 1 | University - Maintenance 1 | DMR | Business |
463.8375 | WQOQ229 | RM | CC 4 TG 400 SL 2 |
IU Univ Maint B | University - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
Neuro Diagnostic Institute
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.2375 | WRDV702 | RM | CC 4 TG 124670 SL 1 |
NDI Primary | Primary | DMR | Business |
464.2375 | WRDV702 | RM | CC 4 TG 124673 SL 1 |
NDI Prop Maint | Property Maintenance | DMR | Business |
St Vincent Indianapolis Hospital
Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Project 25 Phase I | EMS Patient Reports. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.475 | KVU354 | RM | CC 1 TG 1000 SL 1 |
SVIH 86th Sec | Security (86th St. Campus) | DMR | Security |
464.475 | KVU354 | RM | CC 1 TG 2000 SL 2 |
SVIH 86th Maint | Maintenance (86th St. Campus) | DMR | Business |
463.275 | KVU354 | RM | CC 1 TG 4000 SL 1 |
SVIH Shuttles | Shuttle Vans | DMR | Transportation |