

O'Brien Ready Mix
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.075KZD998 RM 82.5 PL O'Brien Concrete Concrete Delivery Trucks FMN Business


Day and Zimmerman Ammo Plant

Day and Zimmerman Ammunition Manufacturing Plant east of Parsons

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.465WRCB862 RM 250.3 PL Day / Zimmerman Ammunition Manufacturing Plant FMN Business
Grandview Products

Grandview Products Company  manufactures kitchen cabinets in Parsons

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.390WPUA222 BM 67.0 PL Grandview 1 Supervisors Ch 1 FMN Business
157.650WPUA222 BM 67.0 PL Grandview 2 Maintenance Ch 2 FMN Business
152.405WPUA222 BM 67.0 PL Grandview 3 Top Shop Ch 3 FMN Business


O'Reilly Auto Parts
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.725WPHW786 RM 143 DPL O'Reilly AutoPts O'Reilly Auto Parts FMN Business


Twin Valley Electric Coop

Office in Altamont, transmitter between ALtamont and Parsons

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.500KAB484 RM 94.8 PL Twin Vly REC Twin Valley Elec Coop ops FMN Utilities