Businesses, Attractions and Recreation (Crawford County)

Last Updated: October 1, 2023, 21:13 pm UTC


Attractions and Recreation

Camping / Canoeing

See the WIKI page for much more information (like 100 Acre Wood Rally)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
157.665WNSP384 BM 032 DPL Bass Canoe 1 Bass Canoe Rental and Campground: Ops (Steelville) FMN Business
152.405WNSP384 RM 223 DPL Bass RvrRsrt Bass RIver Resort - Canoe Rental and Campground: Ops (Steelville) FMN Business
151.625 BM 100.0 PL canoe151625 canoes/raft operations FM Business
151.715WQUL980 BM 88.5 PL Garrson River Garrison's River Resort FMN Business
151.655WQLZ941 RM 186.2 PL HuzhV Resort Huzzah Valley Resort - Steelville FMN Business
151.985WQZE480 RM CSQ IndianSprRes Indian Springs Family Resort FMN Business
467.6125FRS10 M 94.8 PL Keyes Canoe Keyes Canoe Rental FM Business
152.315WQTP371 RM CSQ MeramecCanoe Meramec Canoe FMN Business
152.435WPNV715 RM 186.2 PL OzarkOutdoors Ozark Outdoors: Security/Ops/Maintenance (Leasburg) FMN Business
151.745WPCY605 BM CSQ Rafting Co The Rafting Company FMN Business


Utilities / Service Companies
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.515WNJH880 BM CEC Ops Bbn1 Crawford Electric Coop: Dispatch (not 103.5) [Expired 5/21] FMN Utilities
152.300WPWL776 RM 146.2 PL Steelv TeleCoop Steeleville Telephone Coop (Cuba) [Expired 12/22] FMN Utilities