Department of State Police (MSP) (Michigan)

Last Updated: February 12, 2025, 17:02 pm UTC

 HF frequencies for the Emergency Management Division (EMD) Disaster Operations are in the WIKI.




It has been reported that all VHF communications by the state will end Dec 31, 2012.  Narrowbanding will not be funded.  Many state licences are begin canceled.

Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
The Michigan State Police use the MPSCS TRS, as their primary radio system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.865KG6493 BM CSQ MEPSS Statewide Emergency/Mutual Aid FMN Law Talk
154.680KA2255 M Spec Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
154.695KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
154.905KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
154.920KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
154.935KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
155.370KDR353 BM CSQ INTERCITY Intercity - Base-to-Base FMN Law Talk
155.445KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
155.460KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
155.505KA2255 M Special Ops Special Operations (rarely used) P25 Law Tac
173.075WNSY453 BM LOJACK LoJack FM Data