Statewide / Common / Shared (Illinois)

Last Updated: December 25, 2024, 20:39 pm UTC



Interoperability (All Agencies)
Tacs can be used in CTCSS/PL or P25 (Digital Mode), 293 NAC. Radios will be used to coordinate emergency communications between state and local public safety entities for interoperability use. See the 
Nationwide Public Safety Interop for more info.
IREACH, 155.055 D156 should be used on transmit.  For more info, see the Illinois Radio Emergency Assistance CHannel (IL) WIKI (which has all the info from the former website.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
May be used by some agencies for interop.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.055KA5825 M CSQ IREACH Illinois Radio Emergency Assistance Channel (Statewide Interagency Mutual Aid) FMN Interop
155.055KA5825 M 156 DPL IREACH D156 Illinois Radio Emergency Assistance Channel (Narrowband) FMN Interop
769.00625WQOF260 RM 156.7 PL 7FTAC1/7FTAC1D Fire: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) [DuPage Fireground Orange] FMN Fire-Tac
774.93125WQMH855 RM 156.7 PL 7FTAC2/7FTAC2D Fire: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Fire-Tac
769.04375WQOF260 RM 156.7 PL 7FTAC3/7FTAC3D Fire: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Fire-Tac
769.03125WQMH855 RM 156.7 PL 7GTAC4/7GTAC4D General Government Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Multi-Tac
774.95625WQOF260 RM 156.7 PL 7GTAC5/7GTAC5D General Government Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Multi-Tac
769.01875WQMH855 RM 156.7 PL 7LTAC6/7LTAC6D Law: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Law Tac
774.94375WQOF260 RM 156.7 PL 7LTAC7/7LTAC7D Law: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Law Tac
774.98125WQMH855 RM 156.7 PL 7LTAC8/7LTAC8D Law: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN Law Tac
774.96875WQOF260 RM 156.7 PL 7MTAC9/7MTAC9D Medical: Tactical (Repeat/Direct) FMN EMS-Tac
Law Enforcement
ILEAS: See the ISP WIKI for more info and frequencies
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.475KN3600 M CSQ ISPERN Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (HF-1) FMN Fire Dispatch
155.475KN3600 B 67.0 PL ISPERN 67.0 Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (HF-1) FMN Law Dispatch
155.475KN3600 M 156 DPL ISPERN D156 Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (HF-1) FMN Law Dispatch
155.370 B CSQ ISP S/W P2P Statewide Point-to-Point (HF-5/Future Abandoned) FMN Fire Dispatch
MABAS - Mutual Aid Box Alert System (Statewide Fire Mutual Aid)
Interagency/Illinois Fire Emergency Radio Network (IFERN)     MABAS Basics (PDF) 
MABAS Alerts (2 Tone Paging) are 1.5sec/3.5sec 1082.0/701.0
MABAS Fireground Alert Tone - 1500 hz (3-5 seconds long) --to be used for Evacuation/Dangerous Situations/Personnell Accounting/Emergency Traffic
769.00625     M 156.7 PL FG Orange Fireground: Orange (DuPage County)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.265WQAG579 BM 210.7 PL F2 IFERN-1 Base/Mobile Interoperability FMN Fire-Tac
154.3025WQAG579 BM 67.0 PL IFERN-2 Base/Mobile Interoperability 2 FMN Fire-Tac
154.2875WQAG579 M 136.5 PL F11 FG-GRAY Fireground Gray (Logistics/Support) FMN Fire-Tac
154.2725WQAG579 M 94.8 PL F12 FG-BLACK Fireground Black (HazMat Ops) FMN Fire-Tac
153.8375WQAG579 M 91.5 PL F13 FG-GOLD Fireground Gold (SRT Entry Teams) FMN Fire-Tac
154.295WQAG579 M 85.4 PL F14 FG-BLUE Fireground Blue (EMS, Water Supply, Boat Ops) FMN Fire-Tac
154.280WQAG579 M 74.4 PL F15 FG-WHITE Fireground White (Logistics, Support, SRT Ops) FMN Fire-Tac
153.830WQAG579 M 69.3 PL F16 FG-RED Fireground Red (Main-Fire Ops/Accountability) FMN Fire-Tac

Search and Rescue Teams

Search And Rescue Mutual Aid (SARMA)
Used by various agencies (152.285/157.545 Weather, SAR Teams in IL, IN and MO)  Formerly used by Illinois Weather Alert Radio Network (I-WARN)
155.205 is only licensed in IL and parts of St Louis/St Charles Counties,.  155.205 D331 FERMA can be used by IL Fire, EMS or Rescue agencies for Tac, Training or Local Events  For more info, see WIKI
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.205WQCI585 BM 331 DPL FERMA V1 Fire, EMS, Rescue Mutual Aid / Events [Ch 1] FMN Emergency Ops
151.760 M 156 DPL SARMA V2 Operations [Ch 2] FMN Emergency Ops
157.545WQBB433 M 432 DPL SARMA V3 Search and Rescue [Ch 3] FMN Emergency Ops
152.285WQBB433 BM 205 DPL SARMA V4 Search and Rescue/Weather [Ch 4] FMN Emergency Ops
152.285WQBB433 RM 205 DPL SARMA V5R Search and Rescue/Weather/Disaster [Ch 5-Deployable Repeater] FMN Emergency Ops
155.205WQCI585 M 205 DPL SARMA MX/CBR Mobile Extender/Cross-Band Repeater FMN Emergency Ops
152.285WQBB433 BM 88.5 PL I-WARN Ch 1 (Legacy) Weather Spotters / Search and Rescue FMN Emergency Ops