Office Buildings
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
490.3625 | KZG751 | RM | 073 DPL | ChvrnBellSec | Chevron Bellaire - Security | FM | Security |
The Federal Protective Service provides security for the Leland Federal Building and US Custom House (among other federal buildings), see Harris County Federal frequencies. See Harris County Retail frequencies for Houston Pavilions Tower security.
609 Main DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Building security and operations. |
Pennzoil Place DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Building security and operations. |
601 Travis DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Building security and operations |
Houston Center DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Building security and operations |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.4075 | M | 250.3 PL | 1001McKinney | 1001 McKinney - Security/Housekeeping/Parking Garage (maintenance uses Nextel) | FMN | Security | |
464.650 | WQCY451 | M | 131.8 PL | 1010 Lamar | 1010 Lamar | FM | Business |
451.575 | WPSE202 | RM | 100.0 PL | 1111 Fannin | 1111 Fannin - Security/Maintenance (patched with JPMorgan Chase Tower on 461.6125) | FM | Security |
461.400 | WQUI605 | RM | 464 DPL | 1301FanninMg | 1301 Fannin - Management | FM | Business |
463.325 | WQUI605 | RM | 445 DPL | 1301FanninSe | 1301 Fannin - Security | FM | Security |
457.5125 | WQPD943 | M | 173.8 PL | 1801 Main | 1801 Main - Security | FM | Security |
464.200 | WQVM438 | RM | CC 2 TG 1 SL 1 |
1801 Smith Sec | 1801 Smith - Security | DMR | Security |
461.3875 | WQGL494 | RM | 156 DPL | 5 HoustonCtr | 5 Houston Center - Security | FM | Security |
461.5875 | RM | 131.8 PL | 919 Milam | 919 Milam - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security | |
461.6375 | WQII937 | RM | CC 7 TG 5 SL 2 |
Allen Ctr Maint | Allen Center - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
461.6375 | WQII937 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL 1 |
Allen Ctr Sec | Allen Center - Security | DMR | Security |
462.375 | WPNR608 | RM | 67.0 PL | AmGenCtr Mnt | American General Center - Maintenance | FM | Business |
464.950 | WPNR608 | RM | 123.0 PL | AmGenCtr Prk | American General Center - Parking | FM | Business |
464.675 | WQXJ809 | RM | CC 4 TG 1 SL 1 |
AmGenCtr Sec | American General Center - Security | DMR | Security |
464.7125 | WQGX553 | RM | 346 DPL | BnkAmericCtr | Bank of America Center | FM | Business |
489.0375 | KNP880 | RM | 152 DPL | CtrPtEn Eng | CenterPoint Energy Tower - Engineering/Housekeeping | FM | Security |
489.0125 | KNP880 | M | 115 DPL | CtrPtEn Mnt | CenterPoint Energy Tower - Maintenance | FM | Business |
489.2625 | KNP880 | RM | 051 DPL | CtrPtEn Sec | CenterPoint Energy Tower - Security | FM | Business |
463.3375 | WPDZ793 | RM | 411 DPL | ChevrnHK1400 | Chevron (1400 Smith) - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
464.275 | WPXG688 | RM | 205 DPL | ChevronOfcSv | Chevron (1400 Smith/1500 Louisiana) - Office Services | FM | Business |
463.2875 | WPXG688 | RM | 071 DPL | Chevron Sec | Chevron (1400 Smith/1500 Louisiana) - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
461.425 | WPXG688 | RM | 152 DPL | ChevrnHK1500 | Chevron (1500 Louisiana) - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
463.4125 | WPDZ793 | M | 411 DPL | Chevron463.4 | Chevron - Maintenance | FM | Business |
464.4375 | WQII937 | RM | CC 7 TG 12 SL 1 |
CullenCtrElevatr | Cullen Center - Elevator Technicians | DMR | Business |
463.5375 | WQII937 | RM | CC 7 TG 7 SL 2 |
Cullen Ctr Maint | Cullen Center - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
463.5375 | WQII937 | RM | CC 7 TG 3 SL 1 |
CullenCtrSec | Cullen Center - Security | DMR | Security |
456.4375 | WPWP788 | M | 151.4 PL | EnterPlz4375 | Enterprise Plaza | FM | Business |
490.4875 | WPWR320 | RM | 151.4 PL | EnterPlz1Sec | Enterprise Plaza - Ch. 1 Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
456.1875 | WPWP788 | M | 151.4 PL | EnterPlz3Alt | Enterprise Plaza - Ch. 3 Alternate | FM | Business |
451.325 | WPSG317 | RM | CC 10 TG 1000 SL * |
Esperson Bldgs | Esperson Buildings - Security | DMR | Security |
452.500 | WNQW892 | RM | 100.0 PL | Exxon Mobil | Exxon Mobil Building - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
452.050 | WPRM601 | M | 132 DPL | 1stCity Hskp | First City Tower - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
452.650 | WPRM601 | M | 132 DPL | 1stCity Mail | First City Tower - Mail Room | FM | Business |
452.225 | WPRM601 | RM | 132 DPL | 1stCitySec/M | First City Tower - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
463.975 | WQFY355 | M | 243 DPL | HeritgPlz975 | Heritage Plaza | FM | Business |
463.775 | WQFY355 | M | 251 DPL | HeritgPlzHsk | Heritage Plaza - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
463.3875 | RM | 032 DPL | HeritgPlzSec | Heritage Plaza - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security | |
462.200 | WPRX444 | RM | 306 DPL | ChaseBankBld | JPMorgan Chase Bank Building - Security/Maintenance/Housekeeping | FM | Security |
488.5625 | WPQB733 | RM | CC 6 TG 2 SL * |
Chase Twr 488 2 | JPMorgan Chase Tower | DMR | Business |
489.4125 | WPQB733 | RM | CC 6 TG 2 SL * |
Chase Twr Hskpng | JPMorgan Chase Tower - Housekeeping | DMR | Business |
489.4125 | WPQB733 | RM | CC 6 TG 3 SL * |
Chase Twr Maint | JPMorgan Chase Tower - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
489.4125 | WPQB733 | RM | CC 6 TG 1 SL * |
Chase Tower Sec | JPMorgan Chase Tower - Security | DMR | Security |
461.8375 | WPIJ480 | RM | 043 DPL | LyricCtr Mnt | Lyric Centre - Maintenance | FM | Business |
464.550 | M | 411 DPL | LyricCtr Sec | Lyric Centre - Security | FM | Security | |
451.3875 | WQIM287 | M | MorganLewisB | Morgan, Lewis and Bockius (Wells Fargo Plaza) | DMR | Business | |
461.675 | WPMR383 | RM | 110.9 PL | 1 CityCentre | One City Centre - Security | FM | Security |
452.0375 | WPZL529 | RM | 114.8 PL | RRIEnergyPlz | RRI Energy Plaza - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
463.800 | WQVR685 | RM | CC 6 TG 100 SL * |
Svc Corp 100 | Service Corporation International | DMR | Business |
463.800 | WQVR685 | RM | CC 6 TG 200 SL 2 |
Svc Corp Sec | Service Corporation International - Security | DMR | Security |
490.4875 | RM | 110.9 PL | Shell Plaza | Shell Plaza (1/2) - Security | FM | Security | |
461.9875 | WROT947 | RM | CC 10 TG * SL * |
Texas Tower | Texas Tower | DMR | Business |
461.0875 | KB45603 | M | 156.7 PL | TotalPlz 461 | Total Plaza | FM | Business |
466.0875 | M | 156.7 PL | TotalPlz 466 | Total Plaza | FM | Business | |
461.3625 | M | 67.0 PL | TravisTwrSec | Travis Tower - Security | FMN | Security | |
461.1125 | M | 311 DPL | VinElkCater1 | Vinson and Elkins (First City Tower) - Office Catering | FM | Business | |
462.5375 | M | 311 DPL | VinElkCater2 | Vinson and Elkins (First City Tower) - Office Catering | FM | Business | |
460.8375 | M | 311 DPL | VinElkOfcSvc | Vinson and Elkins (First City Tower) - Office Services | FM | Business | |
463.6625 | RM | 203.5 PL | WedgeTwr Mnt | Wedge International Tower - Maintenance/Housekeeping/Parking | FM | Business | |
463.925 | WRZM720 | RM | CC 10 TG 1001 SL 1 |
Wedge Twr Sec | Wedge International Tower - Security | DMR | Security |
463.900 | WIM759 | RM | CC 12 TG 101 SL 1 |
Wells Fargo Sec | Wells Fargo Plaza - Security | DMR | Security |
490.5375 | WIM759 | RM | 141.3 PL | WelFarSecMnt | Wells Fargo Plaza - Security/Maintenance | FM | Deprecated |
464.9625 | WIM759 | BM | 136.5 PL | WelFarValPrk | Wells Fargo Plaza - Valet Parking | FM | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.2375 | WPRJ682 | M | 136.5 PL | AmGenLife IT | American General Life - Information Technology | FM | Business |
489.0625 | WPMM292 | RM | 110.9 PL | GPPlazaMaint | Greenspoint Plaza - Maintenance | FM | Business |
488.8375 | WIL940 | RM | 723 DPL | GPPlaza Sec | Greenspoint Plaza - Security | FM | Security |
464.5125 | RM | 186.2 PL | Parkway Prop | Parkway Properties (550 Greens Parkway and 400 North Belt) - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
Greenway Plaza
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.875 | WQOS510 | RM | CC 2 TG 300 SL 1 |
Cyrus One | Cyrus One | DMR | Business |
462.125 | WPQJ527 | RM | CC 5 TG 40 SL 1 |
GrnwyPlz Maint | Greenway Plaza - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
451.0625 | WPQJ527 | RM | 131.8 PL | GrnwyPlz Park | Greenway Plaza - Parking | FMN | Business |
464.825 | WPQJ527 | RM | CC 15 TG 60 SL 1 |
GrnwyPlz Sec | Greenway Plaza - Security | DMR | Security |
451.9125 | WQIM580 | RM | Oxy Greenway | Occidental Petroleum (5 Greenway Plaza) | DMR | Business | |
461.100 | WNSL792 | RM | 162.2 PL | PhoenixTower | Phoenix Tower | FM | Business |
462.1125 | WPDY551 | RM | 205 DPL | Weslayan Twr | Weslayan Tower - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
Memorial City
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.200 | KNGC536 | RM | CC 6 TG 1001 SL 2 |
Conoco HQ Secur | ConocoPhillips World HQ (Energy Corridor) - Security w/RAS | DMRE | Security |
462.325 | RM | Marathon Oil Sec | Marathon Oil (Memorial City) - Security | DMR | Security | ||
452.8375 | WQBF442 | RM | 114 DPL | MN MC Sec452 | Metro National Memorial City - Security | FMN | Security |
461.150 | RM | 143 DPL | MN MC Sec461 | Metro National Memorial City Colbalt/Nexen/Murphy Buildings - Security | FMN | Security |
Texas Medical Center
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.2125 | M | 074 DPL | MHMP Hskpng | Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza - Housekeeping | FMN | Business | |
464.5875 | WQIE883 | RM | CC 1 TG 99 SL 1 |
MHMP Securty | Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza - Security | DMR | Security |
461.625 | WQBR981 | RM | 074 DPL | MthHspOffSec | Methodist Hospital Office Buildings - Security | FMN | Security |
461.750 | WNNA766 | RM | 146.2 PL | Scurlock Sec | Methodist Hospital Scurlock Tower - Security | FM | Security |
462.0125 | RM | 103.5 PL | Smith Tower | Methodist Hospital Smith Tower | FMN | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.850 | WQAS676 | RM | 351 DPL | 2700 PostOak | 2700 Post Oak Blvd. - Maintenance/Security | FM | Security |
461.2875 | KD47568 | RM | 192.8 PL | 3D/Int Tower | 3D/International Tower - Security/Engineering | FM | Security |
461.9625 | RM | 251 DPL | 5PostOakPark | 5 Post Oak Park | FM | Business | |
464.5125 | RM | 88.5 PL | 510/5757/1WL | 510 Bering Drive, 5757 Woodway Drive, One West Loop Plaza | FM | Business | |
464.075 | WQYN729 | RM | CC 2 TG 102 SL 2 |
AmegyBankOfcSvcs | Amegy Bank Tower - Office Services | DMR | Business |
464.075 | WQYN729 | RM | CC 2 TG 101 SL 1 |
AmegyBankSec/Mnt | Amegy Bank Tower - Security/Maintenance | DMR | Security |
462.0875 | M | 118.8 PL | CMSEnergyTwr | CMS Energy Tower | FM | Business | |
452.225 | WPVC933 | M | 131 DPL | CapitalOnePl | Capital One Plaza | FM | Business |
451.575 | WNNI537 | RM | 025 DPL | Duke Energy | Duke Energy - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
464.975 | WPWD528 | RM | 136.5 PL | 4 Oaks Place | Four Oaks Place - Security | FM | Security |
463.850 | WQAS676 | RM | 351 DPL | GalleriaFina | Galleria Financial Center - Maintenance/Security | FM | Security |
464.375 | WPWB770 | RM | 023 DPL | IHS Energy | IHS Energy - Maintenance | FM | Business |
463.7625 | RM | 118.8 PL | LakesPostOak | Lakes on Post Oak | FM | Business | |
464.275 | WQRW301 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
Loop Central | Loop Central | DMR | Business |
461.825 | KNEP863 | RM | 110.9 PL | Marathon Mnt | Marathon Oil Tower - Maintenance | FM | Business |
462.100 | WPDD970 | RM | 110.9 PL | Marathon Sec | Marathon Oil Tower - Security | FM | Security |
461.4875 | WPTG505 | RM | 432 DPL | Minute Maid | Minute Maid - Maintenance | FM | Business |
462.175 | WPOZ434 | RM | 023 DPL | One Riverway | One Riverway | FM | Business |
463.2625 | RM | 167.9 PL | Park Towers | Park Towers North/South | FM | Business | |
489.2875 | WPKP593 | RM | 110.9 PL | PostOakCentral | Post Oak Central I/II/III | FM | Business |
463.850 | WQAS676 | RM | 351 DPL | PostOakTower | Post Oak Tower - Maintenance/Security | FM | Security |
464.6625 | KB24316 | RM | 110.9 PL | Sage Plaza | Sage Plaza | FM | Business |
464.075 | WRDD699 | RM | 131.8 PL | SanFelipePlz | San Felipe Plaza - Security/Maintenance | FMN | Security |
464.300 | WQAP787 | RM | 411 DPL | SchlmSolnCtr | Schlumberger Solutions Center | FM | Business |
464.375 | WPWB770 | RM | 023 DPL | TeleCheckMnt | TeleCheck Plaza - Maintenance | FM | Business |
464.425 | WPQF858 | RM | 054 DPL | TeleCheckSec | TeleCheck Plaza - Security | FM | Security |
461.925 | WQBY395 | RM | 192.8 PL | 3 Riverway | Three Riverway - Security (has phone patch) | FM | Security |
490.4875 | WIG481 | RM | CC 9 TG 1 SL * |
Williams Tower | Williams Tower | DMR | Security |
CityWestPlace LTR Standard | Security and maintenance for the office complex. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.5625 | WNXJ253 | RM | 734 DPL | Chevron 3901 | Chevron (3901 Briarpark Drive) | FMN | Business |
461.8375 | WQNS329 | RM | 103.5 PL | GraniteWestc | Granite Westchase I/II | FMN | Business |
451.925 | WQGS512 | RM | 244 DPL | JacobsEngnrg | Jacobs Engineering - Security | FM | Security |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.850 | WPTH596 | RM | 245 DPL | Aramco Sec | Aramco Services - Security | FM | Security |
462.175 | WRBV604 | RM | CC 7 TG 12 SL 2 |
BP Westlake Mnt | BP Westlake Campus - Maintenance | DMR | Business |
462.175 | WRBV604 | RM | CC 7 TG 11 SL 1 |
BP Westlake Sec | BP Westlake Campus - Security | DMR | Security |
463.475 | WQQV805 | RM | 311 DPL | BoxerPropSec | Boxer Property - Security Patrol | FMN | Security |
463.5375 | WNZZ485 | RM | 162.2 PL | BrkhlwCenSec | Brookhollow Central I/II/III - Security | FM | Security |
489.2625 | KNP880 | RM | 151.4 PL | CPE ECDC | CenterPoint Energy - Energy Control and Data Center | FM | Business |
467.7625 | M | 023 DPL | Comcast Tidwell | Comcast (8400 West Tidwell) - Security | FMN | Security | |
854.8625 | KNJU832 | RM | ExxonSpr 854 | Exxon Mobil Spring Campus | DMR | Business | |
855.4375 | KNJU832 | RM | ExxonSpr 855 | Exxon Mobil Spring Campus | DMR | Business | |
464.475 | WNQN764 | RM | 162.2 PL | HPTomball464 | HP Compaq Tomball Campus | FM | Business |
462.425 | WNNQ282 | RM | 162.2 PL | HPTomballSec | HP Compaq Tomball Campus - Security | FM | Security |
451.800 | RM | 218.1 PL | HallibSec218 | Halliburton (3000 North Sam Houston Parkway East) - Security | FM | Security | |
451.800 | RM | 411 DPL | HallibSec411 | Halliburton (3000 North Sam Houston Parkway East) - Security | FM | Security | |
461.2125 | RM | 173.8 PL | KBR Clinton | KBR (4100 Clinton Drive) - Security | FM | Security | |
464.975 | KXR261 | RM | 179.9 PL | ShellWsthSec | Shell Westhollow Research Center - Security/Maintenance | FM | Security |
461.775 | WPXD999 | RM | 156.7 PL | WMemOffPark | West Memorial Office Park | FM | Business |