MS Federal Agencies (Mississippi)

Last Updated: February 8, 2025, 15:15 pm UTC


Department of Homeland Security

Civil Air Patrol

Also see the Nationwide listings

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
148.125 RM 110.9 PL CAP R-01 R-01 Starkville FMN Military
148.125 RM 85.4 PL CAP R-07 R-07 Jackson FMN Military
148.125 RM 91.5 PL CAP R-13 R-13 Geenwood FMN Military
148.125 RM 146.2 PL CAP R-27 R-27 Hattiesburg FMN Military
148.150 RM 156.7 PL CAP R-28 R-28 Tupelo FMN Military
148.125 RM 74.4 PL CAP R-43 R-43 Meridian FMN Military
148.150 RM 131.8 PL CAP R-48 R-48 Stennis FMN Military
148.150 RM 118.8 PL CAP R-58 R-58 Oxford FMN Military
148.125 RM 127.3 PL CAP R-61 R-61 Biloxi FMN Military
148.125 RM 4F9 NAC CAP R-61P R-61P Biloxi P25 Military
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Output frequency is also used in simplex operation for tactical purposes and will be idenitified as TAC 2.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
164.4375 RM 001 NAC CBP 164.4375 Operations P25e Federal
165.2375 RM 100.0 PL CBP NET 1 A Net 1 FMNe Federal
165.2375 RM 301 NAC CBP NET 1 D Net 1 P25e Federal
165.6875 RM 301 NAC CBP NET 4 D Net 4 Digital Hattiesburg Repeater P25e Federal
169.2625 BM 452 NAC CBP-AIR 3 Air 3 P25 Federal
169.450 RM 100.0 PL CBP NET 2 A Net 2 Gulf Coast Repeater FMNe Federal
169.450 RM 301 NAC CBP NET 2 D Net 2 Hattiesburg Repeater P25e Federal
169.550 RM CBP NET 29 A Net 29 FMNe Federal
170.100 RM CBP NET 31 A Net 31 FMNe Federal
170.725 RM CBP NET 36 A Net 36 FMNe Federal
350.025 BM CSQ CBP Blue 3 Blue 3 AM Federal
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
163.700 M 169 NAC ICE TAC 1 Tactical 1 P25 Law Tac
168.5875 M 169 NAC ICE TAC 2 Tactical 2 P25 Law Tac
171.325 RM 200 NAC ICE RPTR Repeater P25e Law Tac
171.6625 RM 200 NAC ICE Mobile Repeater Mobile, AL P25e Law Tac
171.7625 RM 200 NAC ICE Moss Pnt Repeater Moss Point, MS P25e Law Tac
US Coast Guard (USCG)

The United States Coast Gaurd also uses the maritime frequencies listed in the Nationwide Common listings.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
162.325 BM 293 NAC CG 111 CG 111 - Sector Mobile P25e Federal
163.050 BM 293 NAC CG 112 CG 112 - Sector New Orleans P25e Federal
164.300 BM CSQ CG Mob Mtce Mobile Flightline Maintenance FMN Federal
345.000 BM CSQ CG Air Ops 1 Air Operatons Primary AM Federal

Department of Justice

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF)

The New Orleans Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives consists of the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The ATF has field offices located in Gulfport, Jackson, and Oxford, MS.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
173.0125 M 650 NAC ATF TAC 3 Tactical 3 P25e Law Tac
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

The New Orleans Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration consists of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The DEA has field offices located in Gulfport, Jackson, and Oxford, MS.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
406.600 RM 156 NAC DEA 406.6 R Operations P25e Law Tac
409.675 RM 156 NAC DEA 409.675 R Operations P25e Law Tac
411.150 RM 156 NAC DEA 411.15 Operations P25e Law Tac
412.200 M 156 NAC DEA AirToGround Air-to-Ground P25e Law Tac
412.575 M 156 NAC DEA Ops 412.575 Operations P25e Law Tac
412.975 M 156 NAC DEA Ops 412,.975 Operations P25e Law Tac
413.975 M 156 NAC DEA Ops 413.9725 Operations P25e Law Tac
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
167.325 M 167 NAC FBI-TALK Hattiesburg Field Office: Unit-to-Unit P25e Law Tac
167.5125 RM 330 NAC FBI Rptr 1 Linked repeater 1, Encrypted traffic heard in SE MS P25E Law Tac
167.5375 RM 330 NAC FBI Rptr 2 Linked repeater 2, traffic heard in SE MS, P25e Law Tac
167.5625 M 167.9 PL FBI-TALK Unit-to-Unit FMNe Law Tac
167.6125 RM 167 NAC FBI SEMSRPTR Repeater Heard in SE MS P25e Law Tac
167.6375 RM 167 NAC FBI Hattburg Hattiesburg Field Office P25e Law Tac
167.7125 RM 167 NAC FBI SEMSRPTR Repeater Heard in SE MS P25e Law Tac
168.8875 RM 167 NAC FBI Jackson Repeater - Jackson Division Headquarters P25e Law Tac
168.925 RM 167 NAC FBI SMSRPTR South MS Repeater P25e Law Tac
170.925 M 167 NAC FBI OPS Operations P25e Law Tac
173.100 RM 330 NAC FBI Alpha 1 Repeater (Ch Alpha 1) Heard in SE MS, Traffic from Foley, AL area P25e Law Tac
173.150 RM 330 NAC FBI Mobile Mobile Field Office P25e Law Tac
United States Marshals Service (USMS)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
170.750 RM 293 NAC USMS RPTR Repeater P25e Law Tac

Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
164.9625 RM 293 NAC VA BLX Polic VA Center Biloxi, MS Police. P25 Federal
166.200 BM 146.2 PL VA BLX Mtce VA Center Biloxi, MS Facilites Maintenance FMN Federal
166.7125 B CSQ VA BLX Pager VA Center Biloxi, MS Voice Paging FMN Federal

National Park Service

Gulf Islands National Seashore
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.525 RM 114.8 PL Gulf Islands Gulf Islands National Seashore (includes the Ship Island Park/Museum) FMN Federal
Natchez Trace Parkway

This is a linked P25 repeater network extending 444 miles from Natchez, MS northeast through the northwest corner of Alabama, and ending just southwest of Nashville, TN. Primary operations are dispatched from Headquarters in Tupelo, MS. All NTP Ranger operations are full time encrypted. 

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
163.025 RM 293 NAC NTNP LE-1 Rangers Primary Side 1 P25E Federal
162.1625 RM 293 NAC NTNP LE-2 Rangers Primary Side 2 P25E Federal
165.600 RM NTNP M-1 Maintenance Primary Side 1 P25 Federal
166.2375 RM NTNP M-2 Maintenance Primary Side 2 P25 Federal
Tupelo National Battlefield

 The Tupelo National Battlefield is patrolled by the Natchez Trace Rangers. See the Natchez Trace National Parkway listing for Frequencies and Information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.675 BM TNB OPS 1 Primary Operations FMN Federal
Vicksburg National Military Park
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
166.300 RM VicksNMP Ops Vicksburg National Military Park Operations FMN Federal

United States Postal Service

Postal Inspectors
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
407.725 RM 482 NAC USPS-INSP 1 Operations P25e Law Tac

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
169.650 RM 094 NAC SCNWR Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge P25 Federal

US Forest Service

National Incident Radio Support Cache

USFS Frequencies that are in use statewide. 
These are a part of the National Incident Radio Support Cache WIKI  Database

Fire Net
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
122.925 M CSQ USFS-AIRCOMN Air-to-Air High Altitude Common AM Aircraft
168.750 BM 110.9 PL USFS Aerial Aerial Detection Net FMN Fire-Tac
169.900 BM USFS FireNet Fire Net (Nationwide) USFS FIRE NET FMN Fire-Tac
Bienville National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.675 RM 156.7 PL USFS Ops Operations FMN Federal
Delta National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.675 RM USFS Ops Operations FMN Federal
DeSoto National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.6125 BM 123.0 PL USFS R8 UC1 Region 8 Utility (Ch 1) FMN Federal
163.7125 BM 123.0 PL USFS R8 UC2 Region 8 Utility (Ch 2) FMN Federal
168.025 RM 162.2 PL USFS LE NET Ranger Net / Law Enforcement FMN Federal
168.175 BM 146.2 PL CHICK RS Chickasawhay Ranger Station (Laurel) FMN Federal
168.675 RM 131.8 PL WIGGINS RS Desoto Ranger Station (Wiggins) FMN Federal
168.775KKDI224 RM 146.2 PL PEROT WC Perot Work Center / Ash Nursery FMN Federal
169.900 M USFS-R8 FTAC Southern Region (R8) Fire Tactical FMN Fire-Tac
170.550 BM 179.9 PL USFS OPS Operations FMN Federal
Holly Springs National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.775 RM USFS Ops Forest Service Operations FMN Federal
Homochitto National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.775 RM 118.8 PL USFS Ops 1 Primary FMN Federal
171.425 RM 118.8 PL USFS Ops 2 Secondary FMNe Federal
Tombigbee National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.775 RM USFS Ops 1 Primary FMN Federal
171.425 RM USFS Ops 2 Secondary FMN Federal