

Law Enforcement

110.9 PL on transmit

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.370 BM NYLAW1 NYLAW1 Law Interagency FMN Law Tac
460.400 BM 110.9 PL CDERN Capital District Emergency Radio Network FMN Law Tac

156.7 PL on transmit

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
46.220 BM NYFIRE22 NYFIRE22 Fire Interagency FM Fire-Tac
46.300 BM NYFIRE30 NYFIRE30 Fire Interagency FM Fire-Tac
153.830 BM NYFIRE83 NYFIRE83 Fire Interagency FMN Fire-Tac

156.7 PL on transmit

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.175WQEH213 BM NYMED175 NYMED175 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.205WQEH213 BM NYMED205 NYMED205 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.220WQEH213 BM NYMED220 NYMED220 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.280WQEH213 BM NYMED280 NYMED280 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.295WQEH213 BM NYMED295 NYMED295 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.400WQEH213 BM NYMED400 NYMED400 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac
155.715WQEH213 BM NYMED715 NYMED715 EMS Interagency FMN EMS-Tac

Hospitals are required by the NY State Health Dept to keep their analog 155.340 capability so that ambulances transporting from out of the area and out of the state can still communicate with those hospitals.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.340 BM CSQ EMS to Hospital EMS to Hospital FMN Hospital


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
45.160 BM DHSES Ops Operations FM Emergency Ops
45.440 BM DHSES Cmd/Ctrl Command and Control FM Emergency Ops
45.600KXI963 BM 110.9 PL DHSES Ops Operations FM Emergency Ops
Region 1 (NYC/Long Island)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
45.160WQUQ354 RM 151.4 PL DHSES Huntington Huntington DHSES Watch Center FM Interop
Region 3 (Capital District/Northern NY)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
45.280WQDU492 RM 123.0 PL DHSES Pinnacle Pinnacle DHSES Watch Center FM Interop
45.560KYQ352 RM 110.9 PL DHSES Lk George Lake George DHSES Watch Center FM Interop
Region 5 (Western NY/Finger Lakes)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
45.440KLS641 RM 141.3 PL DHSES Wethersfld Wethersfield DHSES Watch Center FM Interop
45.600WNAH599 RM 173.8 PL DHSES Bristol Bristol DHSES Watch Center FM Interop
155.115KYW834 RM 151.4 PL DHSES Wethersfld Wethersfield DHSES Watch Center FMN Interop