Missouri Department of Public Safety (Missouri)

Last Updated: January 19, 2025, 16:31 pm UTC
See the WIKI for 10-Codes, Zone/Troop Maps, MOSWIN RIDs and other information.


Highway Patrol

Statewide Common
8/24 WSEF254 STA for testing Vehicular Repeaters on 460.5625 and 465.5625
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Statewide Communications for MHP and other users
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.370KA5824 RM CSQ MO S/W P2P Statewide Point-to-Point [Ch 5] FMN Law Talk
155.730KA5824 BM CSQ MO S/W Shrff Statewide Sheriff's Net [Ch 6] FMN Law Talk
154.695KLS456 RM 100.0 PL MHP SERT Tac SERT Tactical Repeater / Talk-Around [Ch 9/10] FMN Law Tac
148.600 RM MHP S/W ME1 Mobile Extenders (usually uses same PL as lowband) FMN Law Dispatch
154.905KA5824 RM MHP S/W ME2 Mobile Extenders (usually uses same PL as lowband) FMN Law Dispatch
465.4375KA5824 M MHP UHF ME Mobile Extenders (according to license) FMN Law Dispatch
154.935KA5824 M 203.5 PL MHP S/W Tac3 Highband 3 - Tac-3 FMN Law Tac
154.665KA5824 M 203.5 PL MHP S/W Tac4 Highband 4 - Tac-4 FMN Law Tac
155.4825KAA958 BM MHP 155.4825 Future (replacing 154.92 at some locations) FMN Law Dispatch
155.445KA5824 M CSQ MHP StL HI Car-to-Car ? (hrd StL area 8/07) FMN Law Talk
42.000KA5824 M 186.2 PL MHP S/W C2C Statewide Car-to-Car / Air-to-Car Speed Checks. [Ch 19/29/39/59/69/89/99] FM Law Talk
42.020KA5824 M 186.2 PL MHP LB C2C Car-to-Car FM Law Talk
700 MHz
The P25 DVRS (Digital Vehicular Repeater System) improves portable radio coverage for police, fire and other emergency personnel by using the higher power of the mobile radio in the vehicle to extend the range of the portable back to the radio system.
Other tactical channels are available for use.  Please see the WIKI.  If identified in use, please make a submission.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
774.78125WPZT785 RM MHP DVRS A MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
774.79375WPZT785 RM MHP DVRS B MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
774.80625WPZT785 RM MHP DVRS C MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
774.81875WPZT785 RM MHP DVRS D MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
774.83125WPZT785 RM MHP DVRS E MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
774.84375WPZT785 RM 293 NAC MHP DVRS F MOSWIN DVRS P25 Multi-Dispatch
Division of Drug and Crime Control
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.920KA5824 M 100.0 PL MDDCC Black Operations: Black [Ch 1] FMN Law Tac
154.935KA5824 M 203.5 PL MDDCC Gold Operations: Gold [Ch 3] FMN Law Tac
154.665KA5824 M 203.5 PL MDDCC Silver Operations: Silver [Ch 4] FMN Law Tac
154.695KLS456 RM 100.0 PL MDDCC SERT Operations: SERT [Ch 5] FMN Law Tac
158.970KA5824 RM 100.0 PL MDDCC Rptr Operations: Repeater [Ch 6] FMN Law Tac
158.970KA5824 M MDDCC Orange Operations: Orange [Ch 7] FMN Law Tac
154.725KA5824 M 103.5 PL MDDCC Bl/Gld Operations: Blue / Gold [Ch 8] FMN Law Tac
168.450KA5824 M MDDCC Yellow Operations: Yellow [Ch 9] FMN Law Tac
172.950KA5824 M MDDCC Green Operations: Green [Ch 10] FMN Law Tac
154.695KA5824 M MDDCC Blue Operations: Blue [Ch 11] FMN Law Tac
173.030 M MDDCC Pink Operations: Pink [Ch 12] FMN Law Tac
155.505KA5824 M MDDCC Purple Operations: Purple [Ch 13] FMN Law Tac
44.860KA5824 M 186.2 PL MDDCC LowBnd DDCC Low Band FMN Law Talk
Troop A - Lee's Summit
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
All dispatch/car-to-car communications. Low band still gets used for summaries, EAS testing, unresponsive status checks, and whenever there's a problem with Moswin. There is also a fair amount of traffic on the 42.0 state wide car-to-car channel. (1/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
42.860KAA202 B 203.5 PL TrpA-D2 Dytn Dayton Remote - Simulcast of MOSWIN MSHP Troop A Dispatch 2 (Rural) FM Law Dispatch
42.920KAA202 B 203.5 PL TrpA-D2 Wars Warsaw Remote - Simulcast of MOSWIN MSHP Troop A Dispatch 2 (Rural) FM Law Dispatch
42.940KAA202 B 203.5 PL TrpA-D1 LSmt Lees Summit remote - Simulcast of MOSWIN Troop A Dispatch 1 (Metro) FM Law Dispatch
154.680KAA202 BM 156.7 PL Trp A Speed Enf Speed Enforcement (Air-to-Ground) FMN Law Dispatch
460.0625KAA202 F 162.2 PL Trp A CTL1 R Rural: Lees Summit to Dayton Dispatch Control Link FMN Law Dispatch
465.0625KAA202 F 162.2 PL Trp A MR1 R Rural: Dayton Mobile Relay FMN Law Dispatch
460.1875KAA202 F 162.2 PL Trp A MR1 M Metro: Stadium - Mobile Relay FMN Law Dispatch
465.1875KAA202 F 162.2 PL Trp A CTL1 M Metro: Lees Summit to Stadium Dispatch Control Link FMN Law Dispatch
465.050WQKE989 F 162.2 PL Trp A MR2 M Metro: Trimble - Mobile Relay FMN Law Dispatch
460.475KAC84 F 179.9 PL Trp A MR1 E East: Mobile Relay - Hughesville (Pettis Co) FMN Law Dispatch
Troop B - Macon
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
42.820KAA201 BM MHP Trp B 42.82 Legacy Dispatch (Macon, Marion) FM Law Dispatch
460.1625KAA201 F MHP TrpB 460.162 Remote Links to 42.82 (Macon, Marion) FMN Law Dispatch
453.1375WQAS397 F MHP TrpB 4531375 Remote Links to ??? (Hannibal Airport) FMN Law Dispatch
Troop C - Weldon Spring
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Operations (but some use on 42.12) (1/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
774.95625 M Trp C MX A Mobile Extender (*) P25 Law Dispatch
42.260KAA203 M 192.8 PL Trp C Mob R Rural Dispatch - Mobiles-to-Base (Kirkwood) [Ch 32] FM Law Dispatch
42.140KA5824 M 186.2 PL Trp C c2d R Rural Car-to-Car [Ch 31] (In use-12/14) FM Law Tac
42.100KAA203 B 186.2 PL Trp C Disp M Dispatch - Metro (Weldon Spring, High Ridge) [Ch 33] FM Law Dispatch
42.780KAA203 M 186.2 PL Trp C Mob M Mobiles-to-Dispatch - Metro (Kirkwood, High Ridge) [Ch 35] FM Law Dispatch
42.100KA5824 M 186.2 PL Trp C c2C M Car-to-Car - Metro [Ch 34] FM Law Tac
42.120KAA203 B 186.2 PL Trp C Disp S Dispatch to Mobiles - South (Lawrencetown, Kirkwood, High Ridge) [Ch 38] FM Law Dispatch
42.020KAA203 M 186.2 PL Trp C Mob S Mobiles-to-Dispatch - South (Lawrencetown, Kirkwood, High Ridge) [Ch 36] FM Law Dispatch
42.120KA5824 M 186.2 PL Trp C c2c S Car-to-Car - South [Ch 37] FM Law Tac
42.380KAA522 F 173.8 PL Trp C WSpring Willow Spring FM Law Dispatch
42.140KAA203 B 186.2 PL Trp C Disp R Rural Dispatch [Ch 30] FM Law Dispatch
148.600 M 186.2 PL Troop C MX Troop C: Mobile Extenders FMN Law Dispatch
465.1375WQTM558 F Trp C RF Remote Link (Florrsisant) FMN Law Dispatch
456.175KAC44 F Trp C MR 1 Mobile Relay (Knob Lick - St. Francois County) FMN Law Dispatch
456.275KAA75 F Trp C MR 2 Mobile Relay (Eolia - Pike County) FMN Law Dispatch
456.575KNIE482 F Trp C MR 3 Mobile Relay (Warrenton - Warren County) FMN Law Dispatch
456.625WNLK662 F 151.4 PL Trp C MR 4 Mobile Relay (Potosi - Washington County) FMN Law Dispatch
460.0125KB65030 M Trp C MX 1 Mobile Extenders FMN Law Tac
465.0875KB65030 M Trp C MX 2 Mobile Extenders FMN Law Tac
465.1375KB65030 M Trp C MX 3 Mobile Extenders FMN Law Tac
465.3375KB65030 M Trp C MX 4 Mobile Extenders FMN Law Tac
Troop D - Springfield
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Using a combination of MOSWIN and low-band at this time (1/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.680 M 156.7 PL MHP Trp D Speed Speed Enforcement: Helo-to-Car FMN Law Dispatch
42.060KAA243 F 203.5 PL MHP Trp D East Police: Dispatch (Simulcast MOSWIN Trp D Disp 1 East) FM Law Dispatch
42.100KAA243 BM 203.5 PL MHP Trp D 42.1 Police: Dispatch FM Law Dispatch
42.120KAA243 F 203.5 PL MHP Trp D 42.12 Police: Dispatch FM Law Dispatch
465.325WQPJ931 F Trp D RF 460.2 Remote Recieve Link (Branch-Camden Co) [was 460.2] FMN Law Dispatch
Troop E - Poplar Bluff
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Main communications system, back up on low-band as needed (1/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
42.920KAA270 BM 173.8 PL Trp E North North Dispatch/Ops (Backup to MOSWIN) FM Law Dispatch
42.940KAA270 BM 173.8 PL Trp E South South Dispatch/Ops (Backup to MOSWIN) FM Law Dispatch
460.250WPMH595 F 100.0 PL Trp E RF Doniphn Remote Link of 42.xxx (Doniphan-Ripley Co) (Backup to MOSWIN) FMN Law Dispatch
460.250WNFR320 F 203.5 PL Trp E RF Alton Remote Link of 42.xxx (Alton-Oregon Co) (Backup to MOSWIN) FMN Law Dispatch
42.000KA5824 BM 186.2 PL Trp E C2C Car-to-Car (Backup to MOSWIN) FM Law Tac
Troop F - Jefferson City
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Using full-time for communications. (1/14)
Troop G - Willow Springs
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
42.380KAA522 BM 173.8 PL Trp G Disp/Ops Dispatch/Ops (Backup to MOSWIN) FM Law Dispatch
460.425KAA522 F 103.5 PL Trp G RF WilSpr Remote Link of 42.38 (Willow Springs-Howell Co) (Backup to MOSWIN) FMN Law Dispatch
Troop H - St. Joseph
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Troop H is using both MOSWIN and Low-band for communications (12/13) Low band still gets used for summaries, EAS testing, unresponsive status checks, and whenever there's a problem with Moswin. There is also a fair amount of traffic on the 42.0 state wide car-to-car channel. (1/14)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
42.400KAA204 B 173.8 PL TrpH Simulcast Simulcast of MOSWIN? FMN Law Dispatch
Troop I - Rolla
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Troop I is using MOSWIN full time, but dispatch simulcasts on low band and point to point when they have wanted announcements, and daily summaries.

Capitol Police

Jefferson City
Capitol Police Communications and Command Center is a point of contact for those who need police services in the Capitol Complex 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Communications operators utilize computer terminals that interface with the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES), the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the Missouri Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle and Operator files, and other information systems.

State Water Patrol

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
All communications are assumed to be on this digital trunked system

State Emergency Management Agency


See the wiki for more information

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.055KCS531 RM 151.4 PL MEMA 154.055 MEMA VHF* [Rock Port (Atchison), Fulton (Calloway)] FMN Emergency Ops
155.985KA73264 M MEMA 155.985 MEMA Mobiles FMN Emergency Ops
155.715KSC531 RM 151.4 PL MEMA 155.715 Bureau of Radiation/Health [Rock Port (Atchison), Fulton (Callaway)] FMN Emergency Ops
45.120KJF874 BM CSQ MEMA 45.12 Statewide Bases/Temporary Bases [100] FM Emergency Ops
45.160KJF874 BM CSQ MEMA 45.16 Statewide Bases/Temporary Bases FM Emergency Ops
45.200KJF874 BM CSQ MEMA 45.2 Statewide Bases/Temporary Bases FM Emergency Ops
45.240KJF874 BM CSQ MEMA 45.24 Statewide Bases/Temporary Bases FM Emergency Ops

Other Agencies

Division of Fire Safety
State Fire Marshal; listed Command frequencies are for statewide use for fireground operations
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.280KB52595 M 156.7 PL MO Fire Mut Aid Fire Statewide Mutual Aid [FIRE MA] FMN Fire-Tac
154.265KB52595 BM 156.7 PL MO Fire Comd 1 Fire: Command 1 [COMD 1] FMN Fire-Tac
154.295KB52595 M 156.7 PL MO Fire Comd 2 Fire: Command 2 [COMD 2] FMN Fire-Tac
154.2725KB52595 M 156.7 PL MO Fire Comd 3 Fire: Command 3 [COMD 3] FMN Fire-Tac
154.2875KB52595 M 156.7 PL MO Fire Comd 4 Fire: Command 4 [COMD 4] FMN Fire-Tac
154.3025KB52595 M 156.7 PL MO Fire Comd 5 Fire: Command 5 [COMD 5] FMN Fire-Tac
458.8875KY7656 M MO Fire UHF Fire Marshal: Low Power FMN Fire-Talk
458.7875KY7656 BM MO Fire MX Fire Marshal: Mobile Extenders (Low Power) FMN Fire-Talk
154.770KY7656 M MO Fire 477 Fire Marshal FMN Fire-Talk
Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
Formerly reported having Low Power units on 458.7875 and 458.8875
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.770KF8233 M CSQ MSP A/T Ops Law Enforcement: Statewide Mobile - Primary FMN Law Tac
Gaming Commission
Regulates excursion gambling boats
State Capitol Office Complex (Jefferson City)
See Cole County <<<<<<<<<<