Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)

Site: Wayne County (82) Detroit Dept. of Transportation (DDOT)

Unique DB ID: 942
County: Wayne

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 42.3739 Longitude: -83.0642 Range: 12 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
80141f4eDBUSOPDetroit Transit OpsTransportation
80151f4fDBUSPODetroit Transit PoliceLaw Tac
85182146DDDOT1Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 1Transportation
85192147DDDOT2Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 2Transportation
85202148DDDOT3Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 3Transportation
85212149DDDOT4Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 4Transportation
8522214aDDDOT5Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 5Transportation
8523214bDDDOT6Detroit Department of Transportation Buses 6Transportation