0-01-048 | A | 1stStdnt1048 | First Student School Buses | Schools |
0-01-108 | A | Airpark 1108 | Airpark Valet Airpark at Lambert "Valet" (same user at 010110/18108) | Transportation |
0-01-148 | A | school bus 1148 | school buses | Schools |
0-02-108 | A | taxi D 2108 | taxi cab: Dispatch (not ABC cab) | Transportation |
0-02-109 | A | taxi M 2109 | taxi cab: Mobiles (not ABC cab) "cars, vans at hotels" | Transportation |
0-02-118 | A | Durham 2118 | Durham School Services: School Buses ("Morganford") [GP ? 859.0125 R02] | Schools |
0-02-148 | A | Durham 2148 | Durham School Services: School Buses (Morganford Dispatch "Frequency 21", Oakville, Mehlville) [GP R02] | Schools |
0-06-036 | A | medtrnsp6036 | senior/medical transport (Overturf) | Transportation |
0-06-046 | A | MerREMS BenA | Mercy Regional Medical EMS [Ben/Ak] | EMS Dispatch |
0-06-108 | A | EMT - Ch. 1 | Express Medical Transporters - Ch. 1? - logisticare dispatcher,"go to channel 2", "Bellevue/StCharles" [Coll R06,R20/GP R | Transportation |
0-08-108 | A | transit 8108 | transit (104, 824, Dispatch) | Transportation |
0-10-034 | A | securit10034 | security officers - "Dispatch" "Henry, Mary, Paul" units, "Code 3 Shell Rt.159, Code 1 Code 6" (dispatch near Flying J-Bel | Security |
0-10-059 | A | medtran10059 | medical transport/buses "74 on board" (Gambro Fairview Heights) [Coll/GP] | Transportation |
0-10-108 | A | transit10108 | transit (middle school, base, *see notes) | Transportation |
0-10-110 | A | Airpark10110 | Airpark at Lambert: Valet?/transit "Bus ###" "pick-ups" (same user as 018108, 001108) | Transportation |
0-14-068 | A | Salem Cab | Salem Cab Company | Transportation |
0-14-108 | A | medtr2 14108 | transit/medical transport (has an F-1 on Des Peres? also another system?; "969 to base"; has pagers; [F-2] | Transportation |
0-14-217 | A | medtr3 14218 | transit/medical transport (may be same company as 14-108) | Transportation |
0-18-030 | A | transit18030 | medical transit [Shil] | Transportation |
0-18-108 | A | AirparkValet | Airpark at Lambert "Valet" (business operations) (same user at 010110 001108) | Transportation |
0-18-120 | A | transit18120 | transit | Transportation |
0-18-170 | A | taxi 18170 | taxi cab / transit | Transportation |