City of Fayetteville
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Fayetteville Police
Unique DB ID: | 8421 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 35.0527 | Longitude: | -78.8784 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
11280 | 2c10 | A | Camp Disp 1A | Campbellton Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
11312 | 2c30 | A | 1-Patrol 1B | 1-Patrol | Law Talk |
11344 | 2c50 | A | Cent Disp | Central Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
11376 | 2c70 | A | 2-Patrol | 2-Patrol | Law Talk |
11408 | 2c90 | A | CCrk Disp | Cross Creek Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
11472 | 2cd0 | A | 4-DCI ADMIN | 4-DCI ADMIN | Law Tac |
11504 | 2cf0 | A | 4-Patrol | 4-Patrol | Law Dispatch |
11536 | 2d10 | A | PSDINV-DISP | PSDINV-DISP | Law Tac |
11568 | 2d30 | A | PSDINV | PSDINV | Law Talk |
11632 | 2d70 | A | PD Event 2 | PD Event 2 | Law Tac |
11664 | 2d90 | A | PD Event 3 | PD Event 3 | Law Tac |
11792 | 2e10 | A | FPD Narc 1 | Narcotics | Law Tac |
11888 | 2e70 | A | FPD Narc 2 | Narcotics | Law Tac |
12048 | 2f10 | A | FPD Staff | FPD Staff | Law Tac |
12096 | 2f40 | A | FPD Staff 2 | Staff Administration | Law Tac |
12176 | 2f90 | A | VCTF | VCTF | Law Tac |
12304 | 3010 | A | FPD Narc 2 | Narcotics | Law Tac |
14864 | 3a10 | A | SYSMA1-16A | SYSMA1-16A | Law Tac |
46672 | b650 | A | FPD 1C Car | Car to Car | Law Talk |