Rocky Mount
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Rocky Mount Fire
Unique DB ID: | 8338 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 35.9382 | Longitude: | -77.7905 | Range: | 35 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
11216 | 2bd0 | A | RMFD DISP | Rocky Mount Fire Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
11248 | 2bf0 | A | RMFD EMS OPS | Rocky Mount Fire Ems Operations | EMS-Talk |
11280 | 2c10 | A | RMFD OPS 3 | Rocky Mount Fire Operations 3 | EMS-Talk |
11312 | 2c30 | A | RMFD OPS 4 | Rocky Mount Fire Operations 4 | Fire-Talk |
11344 | 2c50 | A | RMFD LSEMOPS | Rocky Mount Fire LSEM OPS (Life Safety Emergency Management) | Fire-Talk |
11376 | 2c70 | A | RMFDSUPPSVCS | Rocky Mount Fire Support | Fire-Talk |
11408 | 2c90 | A | RMFDTACALINK | Rocky Mount Fire Silmulcast with VHF 155.820 MHz. Used on Nash Co Mutual Aid Calls | Interop |