Brunswick County Law Enforcement
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: All
Unique DB ID: | 8198 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 34.0668 | Longitude: | -78.2664 | Range: | 24 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
0-01-050 | A | Sheriff Disp | Brunswick County Sheriff | Law Dispatch |
0-01-051 | A | Police Disp | Police Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
0-01-052 | A | Police Disp2 | Police Dispatch 2 | Law Dispatch |
0-01-055 | A | Sheriff Admn | Brunswick Sheriff Admin | Law Tac |
0-01-056 | A | Police Admin | Police Admin | Law Tac |
0-01-057 | A | Spec Ops 1 | Special Ops 1 | Law Tac |
0-01-058 | A | Spec Ops 2 | Special Ops 2 | Law Tac |
0-01-061 | A | Law Ops 1 | Law Ops 1 | Law Tac |
0-01-062 | A | Law Ops 2 | Law Ops 2 | Law Tac |
0-01-063 | A | Law Ops 3 | Law Ops 3 | Law Tac |
0-01-200 | A | Pub Safety 1 | Public Safety 1 | Interop |
0-01-201 | A | Pub Safety 2 | Public Safety 2 | Interop |
0-01-202 | A | Pub Safety 3 | Public Safety 3 | Interop |
0-01-206 | A | Mutual Aid | Mutual Aid | Interop |