400 | 190 | A | unid 400 | dispatcher/mobile ("Homeowners", plumbing issues, lots of cussing, casual talk) | Business |
640 | 280 | A | trees 640 | tree cutting crews (St. Louis) | Business |
688 | 2b0 | A | carpet 688 | Stanley Steamer? - carpet cleaning / "transit (pickup Florissant)"????? | Business |
992 | 3e0 | A | trees 992 | landscapers/tree trimmers? - "Unit 3 to Unit 2", "pa | Business |
1072 | 430 | A | concrete1072 | concrete company - "plant 2" (12/07) | Business |
1168 | 490 | A | D&L Towing | D&L Towing ? (refer to CNL numbers/equipment/pagers) | Business |
1184 | 4a0 | A | plmbng 1184 | plumbing company (Arlo?) (Kirkwood) | Business |
1936 | 790 | A | delivery1936 | trash ? concrete ? deliveries (new 11/07) | Business |
1968 | 7b0 | A | trash 1968 | trash haulers - "30 yard dump" heard someone playing sound clip | Business |
1984 | 7c0 | A | Arlo H&C | Alro Heating & Cooling Company ("Florissant") | Business |
2256 | 8d0 | A | trash 2256 | trash haulers - "Dispatch" "bags of patch" (11/07) | Business |
16080 | 3ed0 | A | Sec 16080 | security company (mardi gras 2014) | Security |