Redding (Public Safety)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Public Works
Unique DB ID: | 7467 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 40.5791 | Longitude: | -122.3654 | Range: | 5 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
57616 | e110 | A | Redding Pub Util | Public Utilities | Public Works |
57840 | e1f0 | A | Redding Electric | Electrical Dept. | Public Works |
58384 | e410 | A | Redding CW | Citywide Interoperability | Interop |
58416 | e430 | A | Event Staff | Event Staff | Public Works |