STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois

Site: (Former) ISP District 12 - Effingham

Unique DB ID: 7268
County: Statewide

Now part of Troop 9 (see above).  Some (most? all?) of these talkgroups may no longer be in use.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.9514 Longitude: -88.3116 Range: 55.5 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17005426dDD12 Dispatch CDispatch CLaw Dispatch
17019427bDD12 Detail ADetail ALaw Tac
17020427cDD12 Detail BDetail BLaw Tac
170324288DD12 IREACHIREACH PatchInterop
170444294DD12 Local PatchLocal PatchInterop
17050429aDD12 Car-to-CarCar-to-Car Law Talk
1705642a0DED12 DCI OpsDivision of Criminal InvestigationLaw Tac
1707942b7DD12 IntercomIntercomLaw Talk