California Medical Facility/California State Prison, Solano
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: All
Unique DB ID: | 6191 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 38.3245 | Longitude: | -121.9771 | Range: | 1 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
6416 | 1910 | A | Central Svcs | Central Services | Corrections |
6448 | 1930 | A | Facility 1 | Facility 1 | Corrections |
6480 | 1950 | A | Facility 2 | Facility 2 | Corrections |
6512 | 1970 | A | Facility 3 | Facility 3 | Corrections |
6544 | 1990 | A | Facility 4 | Facility 4 | Corrections |
6576 | 19b0 | A | Culinary | Culinary | Corrections |
6608 | 19d0 | A | Watch Cmdr | Watch Commander | Corrections |
6672 | 1a10 | A | Industries | Industries | Corrections |
6800 | 1a90 | A | Tac 1 | Tac 1 | Corrections |
6832 | 1ab0 | A | Tac 2 | Tac 2 | Corrections |
7984 | 1f30 | A | Control | Central Control | Corrections |