Little Rock Public Safety
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Mutual Aid / Intersystem
Unique DB ID: | 4824 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 34.7688 | Longitude: | -92.3339 | Range: | 25.9 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
Subfleet | DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
0 | 1616 | 650 | A | LR PD/ASP 2 | PD / ASP 2 | Interop |
0 | 12816 | 3210 | A | LR CITY COMM | Little Rock City Common | Interop |
0 | 20656 | 50b0 | A | LR AGNCY COM | Agency Com 1 | Interop |
0 | 20688 | 50d0 | A | LR AGNCY COM | Agency Com 2 | Interop |
0 | 20720 | 50f0 | A | LR AGNCY COM | Agency Com 3 | Interop |
0 | 33648 | 8370 | A | ANGEL 1 | Angel One Helicopter | EMS-Talk |
0 | 49168 | c010 | A | NLR CITY COM | North Little Rock City Common | Interop |
0 | 58368 | e400 | A | LR PD-ASP | State Police Interagency Calling | Law Talk |