Salisbury / Rowan County

Site: Rowan County EMS

Unique DB ID: 4667

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.6501 Longitude: -80.5165 Range: 20 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14885d0AEMS-DISPRowan EMS/Rescue Dispatch (Patched to conventional)EMS Dispatch
1616650ARESC-TRNGRowan Rescue TrainingEMS-Tac
1808710ARRMC SECRowan Regional Medical Center SecuritySecurity
1840730ASALS RMHEMS to Rowan Memorial HospitalHospital
93602490AEMS TRNGRowan EMS TrainingEMS-Tac
939224b0ASTN-91Rowan Rescue TacticalEMS-Tac
100322730ARESC-CONFRowan Rescue ConferenceEMS-Talk
1374435b0AEMS-CONFRowan EMS ConferenceEMS-Talk
1432037f0AEMS EMERGRowan EMS/Rescue Emergency ButtonEMS-Tac
51120c7b0DSTN-91DRowan Rescue Tactical DigitalEMS-Tac