Nevada Shared Radio System

Site: University of Nevada - Las Vegas

Unique DB ID: 4321
County: Systemwide

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.0000 Longitude: -116.5000 Range: 275 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
141711-011AUNLV Alarm TechsUNLV Alarm TechniciansSchools
142511-021AUNLV Tech ServUNLV Tech ServicesSchools
142611-022AUNLV Moyer UnionUNLV Moyer Student UnionSchools
142711-023AUNLV HousingUNLV Residential HousingSchools
142811-024AUNLV StudentServUNLV Student ServicesSchools
143311-031AUNLV MaintUNLV MaintenanceSchools
144111-041AUNLV GroundsUNLV GroundsSchools
146511-071AUNLV Ops 1UNLV Operations 1Schools
146611-072AUNLV Ops 2UNLV Operations 2Schools
146711-073AUNLV Ops 3UNLV Operations 3Schools
146811-074AUNLV Grounds1UNLV Grounds 1Schools
146911-075AUNLV Grounds2UNLV Grounds 2Schools
147011-076AUNLV Tech OpsUNLV Tech OperationsSchools
147111-077AUNLV Student OpsUNLV Student OperationsSchools
148111-091AUNLV Patrol 1UNLV Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
148211-092AUNLV Patrol 2UNLV Police - SupervisorsLaw Talk
148311-093AUNLV PD StadiumUNLV Police - Sam Boyd StadiumLaw Tac
148411-094AUNLV PD TMCenterUNLV Police - Thomas & Mack CenterLaw Talk
148511-095AUNLV PD Tac 1UNLV Police - Tac 1Law Tac
148611-096AUNLV PD Tac 2UNLV Police - Tac 2Law Tac
148911-101AUNLV ParkingUNLV Parking EnforcementLaw Tac
149011-102AUNLV ShuttleUNLV ShuttleSchools
149111-103AUNLV PD CarUNLV Police - Car to CarLaw Talk
149211-104AUNLV ParkingUNLV Parking SupervisorsLaw Talk
149411-106AUNLV TBDUNLV TBDSchools
150511-121AUNLV FacilitiesUNLV Facilities MaintenanceSchools
152211-142AUNLV PD AdminUNLV Police - AdministrationLaw Talk
152311-143AUNLV AdminUNLV AdministrationSchools