Jefferson County OH
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Common
Unique DB ID: | 4149 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 40.3758 | Longitude: | -80.7715 | Range: | 16.71799192076 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
1616 | 650 | A | COMMAND 1 | Countywide command 1 | Interop |
1648 | 670 | A | COMMAND 2 | Countywide command 2 | Interop |
1680 | 690 | A | COMMAND 3 | Countywide command 3 | Interop |
1712 | 6b0 | A | DISASTER 1 | Countywide disaster 1 | Interop |
1744 | 6d0 | A | DISASTER 2 | Countywide disaster 2 | Interop |
1776 | 6f0 | A | DISASTER 3 | Countywide disaster 3 | Interop |
1808 | 710 | A | EVENT 1 | Special events 1 | Interop |
1840 | 730 | A | EVENT 2 | Special events 2 | Interop |
1872 | 750 | A | TRAINING 1 | Countywide training 1 | Interop |
1904 | 770 | A | TRAINING 2 | Countywide training 2 | Interop |
1936 | 790 | A | TRAINING 3 | Countywide training 3 | Interop |
3184 | c70 | A | EVENT 3 | Special events 3 | Interop |