Northwest Central Dispatch - NWCD Analog (Cook)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Fire
Unique DB ID: | 3810 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 41.8590 | Longitude: | -87.8070 | Range: | 30 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
48 | 030 | A | HE/SW FD Dis | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fire Dispatch | Fire Dispatch |
80 | 050 | A | HE/SW FD FGA | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fireground A | Fire-Tac |
112 | 070 | A | HE/SW FD FGB | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fireground B | Fire-Tac |
144 | 090 | A | HE/SW FD FGC | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fireground C | Fire-Tac |
176 | 0b0 | A | HE/SW FD Trn | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood FD Training | Fire-Tac |
208 | 0d0 | A | HE/SW FD Inv | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fire Investigators | Fire-Tac |
240 | 0f0 | A | HE/SW FD Adm | Hoffman Estates & Streamwood Fire Administration | Fire-Tac |