Tennessee Advanced Communications Network (TACN)

Site: TN - State Community Colleges

Unique DB ID: 36443
County: Systemwide

Tennessee Board of Regents - Colleges with campuses in multiple counties. Those with one campus is placed in the appropriate county area.

Motlow State Community College, 4 campuses, in Lynchburg, McMinnville, Fayetteville, and Smyrna LINK 
Pellissippi State Community College Police has four campuses in Knox and one in Blount then covers TCAT in Knox. LINK 
Roane State Community College (RSCC) Police/DPS at 14 eastern TN campuses, listed at LINK 
Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) is in multiple counties. Campus Safety and Security LINK 
Volunteer State Community College has a campus in 3 or 4 different counties as well as TCAT in multiple locations. LINK Dyersburg State is similar as well. LINK 

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.7071 Longitude: -85.7044 Range: 280 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
80541f76DRSCC DPSRoane SCC Public Safety Law Dispatch
47139b823DMSCC PoliceMotlow SCC Public SafetyLaw Dispatch
47186b852TPell SCC PolicePellissippi SCC Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
47291b8bbTDSCC PoliceDyersburg SCC Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch
47293b8bdTVSCC Police Volunteer SCC Police: DispatchLaw Dispatch