Alabama Interoperable Radio System (AIRS)

Site: Baldwin County - Fire Tac

Unique DB ID: 35258
County: Baldwin
Foley Fire operates on the Bay Minette, Daphne, Foley, Robertsdale NXDN trunked system and on AIRS fireground talkgroups, via dedicated patches

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 30.7505 Longitude: -87.7667 Range: 39 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
202414f11TBonSec FD 24 OpsBon Secour Fire: Ops (Station 24)Fire-Tac
202424f12TBonSec FD 24 AdmBon Secour Fire: Admin (Station 24)Fire-Talk
202444f14TBonSec FD 24 Ch3Bon Secour Fire: Ch 3 (Station 24)Law Tac
203314f6bTJosphnFD 33 OpsJosephine Fire: Ops (Station 33)Fire-Tac
203354f6fTJosphnFD 33 AdmJosephine Fire: Admin (Station 33)Fire-Talk
203514f7fTPerBchFire35 OpsPerdido Beach Fire: Ops (Station 35)Fire-Tac
203554f83TPerBchFire35 AdmPerdido Beach Fire: Admin (Station 35)Fire-Talk
204414fd9TFR/MV Fire44 OpsFish River/Marlow Fire: Ops (Station 44)Fire-Tac
204424fdaTFR/MV Fire44 AdmFish River/Marlow Fire: Admin (Station 44)Fire-Talk
205315033TElsanor Fire 53Elsanor Fire: Ops (Station 53)Fire-Tac
205325034TElsnr53 FireOps2Elsanor Fire: Ops 2 (Station 53)Fire-Tac
205335035TElsnr53 FireOps2Elsanor Fire: Ops 2 (Station 53)Fire-Tac
20571505bTSeminole Fire 57Seminole Fire: Ops (Station 57)Fire-Talk
20573505dTSeminole 57 Ops2Seminole Fire: Ch 2 (Station 57)Fire-Tac
205775061TSeminole 57 Ops3Seminole Fire: Ch 3 (Station 57)Fire-Tac
206315097TRosinton Fire 63Rosinton Fire: Ops (Station 63)Fire-Tac
206325098TRosinton FD PrvtRosinton Fire: Private (Station 63)Fire-Tac
206335099TRsntnFD 63 AdminRosinton Fire: Admin (Station 63)Fire-Tac
2064150a1TBelfrst64 FD Op1Belforest Fire: Ops (Station 64)Fire-Tac
2064250a2TBelfrst64 FD Op2Belforest Fire: Ops 2 (Station 64)Fire-Tac
2067150bfTGtswdFire 67 OpsGateswood Fire: Ops (Station 67)Fire-Tac
2067250c0TGtswdFire 67 Op2Gateswood Fire: Ops 2 (Station 67)Fire-Tac
2067350c1TGtswdFire 67 Op3Gateswood Fire: Ops 3 (Station 67)Fire-Tac
2072150f1TStpltnFD 72 DispStapleton Fire: Dispatch (Station 72)Fire Dispatch
2072250f2TStpltnFD 72 OpsStapleton Fire: Ops (Station 72)Fire-Tac
207415105TWhsForkFD Ops 74Whitehouse Fork Fire: Ops (Station 74)Fire-Tac
20781512dTCrossrds Fire 78Crossroads Fire: Ops (Station 78)Fire-Tac
208015141TRabun Fire 80Rabun Fire: Dispatch (Station 80)Fire Dispatch
208815191TStockton FD OpsStockton Fire: Ops (Station 88)Fire-Tac
2091151afTLottie Fire91 OpLottie Fire: Ops (Station 91)Fire-Tac