
Site: Police

Unique DB ID: 35071
County: Essex

Talkgroups are patched with conventional analog counterparts. 1st Precinct talkgroup being used for miscellaneous purposes as of Jan 2024.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 40.7357 Longitude: -74.1724 Range: 4 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6006TNPD CitywideCitywideLaw Tac
10113f3TENPD 1st Dsp1st Precinct DispatchLaw Dispatch
10123f4TENPD 2nd/7th Dsp2nd/7th Precincts DispatchLaw Dispatch
10133f5TENPD 3rd Dsp3rd Precinct DispatchLaw Dispatch
10143f6TENPD 4th/6th Dsp4th/6th Precincts DispatchLaw Dispatch
10153f7TENPD 5th Dsp5th Precinct DispatchLaw Dispatch
10213fdTENPD 1/2/4/6 InqInquiry (Districts 1/2/4/6)Law Tac
10223feTENPD 3/5 InqInquiry (Districts 3/5)/DetectivesLaw Tac
1041411TNPD DetectivesDetectivesLaw Tac
1091443TSPEN 1 RebrdcastSPEN 1 RebroadcastInterop