Lee County Public Safety (P25)

Site: Lee County Services

Unique DB ID: 34569
County: Lee

Additional monitoring of these talkgroups is required to determine the exact user.  RR dB updates indicate that this group of TGs is not "Court Security".

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 26.5670 Longitude: -81.8831 Range: 25 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001DMotorola 1Radio Technicians 1Other
2002DMotorola 2Radio Technicians 2Other
3003DMotorola 3Radio Technicians 3Other
4004DMotorola 4Radio Technicians 4Other
5005DMotorola 5Radio Technicians 5Other
1000aDMotorola-10Radio Technicians 10Other
1100bDMotorolaServiceRadio Technicians 11Other
204204fc4DLCCS-1Operations-1Law Tac
204214fc5DLCCS-2Operations-2Law Tac
204224fc6DLCCS-3Operations-3Law Tac
204234fc7DLCCS-4Operations-4Law Tac
204244fc8DLCCS-5Operations-5Law Tac