Culver City Unified School District

Site: All

Unique DB ID: 34066
County: Los Angeles

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 34.0129 Longitude: -118.3927 Range: 2 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1TESAFETY MAINCh.1 - Department of Safety and Security MainSecurity
2TESAFETY TACCh.2 - Department of Safety and Security TacSecurity
4TEMOTMaintenance Operations TransportationSchools
6TEFARRAGUTFarragut ElementarySchools
8TECAMPUSOn Campus UseSchools
10TEHIGH SCHOOLCh.6 - High SchoolSchools
12TEMIDDLE SCHOOLMiddle SchoolSchools
16TEEL MARINOEl Marino ElementarySchools
18TEEL RINCONEl Rincon ElementarySchools
20TELA BALLONALa Ballona Elementary Schools
22TELINWOOD HOWELinwood Howe ElementarySchools