Branch County Public Safety

Site: Branch County Police

Unique DB ID: 33265
County: Branch

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.9167 Longitude: -85.0666 Range: 17 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17011T12JAILCounty Jail CorrectionsCorrections
21015T12P911Countywide Police Dispatch (Patched to MPSCS 12P911)Law Dispatch
6203eT12LEINLEINLaw Talk
65041T12STJOEPatched to St. Joseph County 75P911Interop
66042T30P911Patch to 30P911 Hillsdale PoliceInterop
67043T76LAWPatch to 76LAW Steuben CountyInterop