Rockwall County (P25)

Site: Fate

Unique DB ID: 31636
County: Rockwall

City of Fate has a Department of Public Safety that encompasses fire and law enforcement response. It should not be confused with the Texas Department of Public Safety

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 32.9415 Longitude: -96.3814 Range: 2 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
105041aTEFate DPS 1 PDPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
105141bTEFate DPS 2 PDPolice Channel 2Law Tac
105241cTEFate DPS 3 PDPolice Ch 3Law Tac
105341dTFate DPS FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
105441eTEFate DPS TATalkaroundMulti-Talk
105541fTFate DPS PD Ops1Police Operations 1Law Tac
1056420TFate DPS PD Ops2Police Operations 2Law Tac
1057421TFate DPS PD Ops3Police Operations 3Law Tac