Nebraska State Radio System

Site: Medical Regional Response System

Unique DB ID: 31293
County: Systemwide

Talkgroups listed here are reported to be used for medical resourses within and outside regional hospital systems during disasters or other emergencies

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.5378 Longitude: -99.7951 Range: 240 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2100d2DORION LifeNetPatch to ORION Air Methods (LifeNet) DispatchEMS Dispatch
1300032c8DRROMRSRural Region One Regional Response SystemInterop
1300132c9DSENHCCSoutheast Nebraska Healthcare CoalitionInterop
1300232caDTRIMRSTri-Cities Medical Response SystemInterop
1300332cbDNPHCCNebraska Plains Healthcare Coalition Interop
1300432ccDPRMRSPanhandle Region Medical Response SystemInterop
1300532cdDOMHCCOmaha Metropolitan Medical Response SystemInterop