Howard County

Site: Services

Unique DB ID: 30089
County: Howard

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.2504 Longitude: -76.9330 Range: 15 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110502b2aDHC Det CenterDetention CenterCorrections
110692b3dDHC Govt AnnounceGovernment AnnouncePublic Works
110712b3fDHC DTCS MainTechnology and Communication Services Main (Fire G9)Public Works
110732b41DHC DTCS Tac 3Technology and Communication Services Tac 3Public Works
110742b42DHC DTCS Tac 4Technology and Communication Services Tac 4Public Works
110752b43DHC DTCS Tac 5Technology and Communication Services Tac 5Public Works
110962b58DHC Health DeptHealth DepartmentPublic Works
111002b5cDHC Coop EastCoop East (Fire G10)Public Works
111012b5dDHC Coop WestCoop West (Fire G11)Public Works
111112b67DHC Fac MntBureau of Facilities MaintenancePublic Works
111172b6dDHC Util 1Utilities 1Public Works
111182b6eDHC Util 2Utilities 2Public Works
111202b70DHC Wastewater TPWastewater Treatment PlantPublic Works
111242b74DHC LandfillLandfillPublic Works
111382b82DHC Hwys East 1Highways East 1Public Works
111402b84DHC Hwys CentralHighways CentralPublic Works
111422b86DHC Hwys WestHighways WestPublic Works
111832bafDHC Pks DeerMgmtParks Deer Management/SharpshooterPublic Works
111872bb3DRobinsonNatCntrRobinson Nature CenterPublic Works
112012bc1DHC Transit AdminTransit AdminTransportation
112022bc2DHC Transit FixedTransit Fixed RouteTransportation
112032bc3DHC Transit ParaTransit ParatransitTransportation