State of Delaware Public Safety

Site: New Castle County - Wilmington City

Unique DB ID: 3002
County: New Castle

Technically, the Wilmington City site is part of the delaware statewide system and is identified as Site 4.

Only Wilmington City radios affiliate with it but any state agency can get on the system by selecting a city TG (if it is in their radios)

It is common to hear EMS / FD patches for backup to City units.

Also note that Traffic Divisions do not have the same radio configuration. Traffic has TAC A thru E  and then their own F_G_H


Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.7473 Longitude: -75.5420 Range: 3 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3696e70DEWPD-S-TAC1WPD TAC1 (State System)Law Tac
106402990DWILM-FDWPD FD patch from City system (not always up)Fire Dispatch
1067229b0DEWPD patch WPD patch to state system (not always up)Law Dispatch
129443290DEWPD TAC2 (StWPD TAC2 (State System)Law Talk
277926c90DEWPD DispatchWPD Dispatch Law Dispatch
278246cb0DEWPD DataWPD DataLaw Tac
278566cd0DEWPD TAC CWPD TAC CLaw Tac
278886cf0DEWPD TAC DWPD TAC D (Bluerocks)Law Tac
279206d10DEWPD TAC E PaWPD TAC E ParkingLaw Tac
279526d30DEWPD TAC F InWPD TAC F InvestigatorsLaw Tac
279846d50DEWPD TAC G InWPD TAC G InvestigatorsLaw Tac
280166d70DEWPD TAC H OpWPD TAC H OpsLaw Tac
280486d90DEWPD TAC IWPD TAC ILaw Tac
280806db0DEWPD TAC JWPD TAC JLaw Tac
281446df0DEWPD TAC L WPD TAC L Law Tac
283046e90DWFD-DISPWFD Dispatch Fire Dispatch
283366eb0DFire BWFD Fire BFire-Tac
283686ed0DFire CWFD Fire CFire-Tac
284006ef0DFire DWFD Fire DFire-Tac
284326f10DFire EWFD Fire EFire-Tac
284646f30DFire FWFD Fire FFire-Tac
284966f50DFire GWFD Fire GFire-Tac
288167090DStreetsPW StreetsPublic Works
2884870b0DSigns TraffiPW Signs Traffic controlPublic Works
2888070d0DParksPW Parks / RecreationPublic Works
2891270f0DFinanceFinance DepartmentPublic Works
289447110DL&ILicense InspectionPublic Works
289767130DHousingReal Estate HousingPublic Works
290407170DParking Parking EnforcementPublic Works