7472 | 1d30 | D | N-NCCDC | NCC (Youth detention ctr) | Law Dispatch |
7504 | 1d50 | D | N-FERRIS | Ferris School (Youth detention ctr) | Law Dispatch |
7536 | 1d70 | D | K-STEVH | Stevens House (Youth detention ctr) | Law Dispatch |
9168 | 23d0 | DE | N-IA | Internal Affairs | Law Tac |
9200 | 23f0 | DE | K-IA | Internal Affairs | Law Tac |
9232 | 2410 | DE | S-IA | Internal Affairs | Law Tac |
14928 | 3a50 | D | SW-DOCSWE | DOC (SW) | Corrections |
14960 | 3a70 | D | N-DOCCOM | DOC (NCC) | Corrections |
14992 | 3a90 | D | K-DOCCOM | DOC (Kent) | Corrections |
15024 | 3ab0 | D | S-DOCCOM | DOC (Sussex) | Corrections |
15056 | 3ad0 | D | N-PRSONS | Bureau of Prisons (NCC) | Corrections |
15088 | 3af0 | D | K-PRSONS | Bureau of Prisons (Kent) | Corrections |
15120 | 3b10 | D | S-PRSONS | Bureau of Prisons (Sussex) | Law Tac |
15152 | 3b30 | D | N-EXEC | Executive Staff (NCC) | Law Tac |
15184 | 3b50 | D | K-EXEC | Executive Staff (Kent) | Law Tac |
15216 | 3b70 | D | S--EXEC | Executive Staff (Sussex) | Law Tac |
15248 | 3b90 | D | SW-TRANS | Courts and Transportation (NCC) | Law Tac |
15280 | 3bb0 | D | K-TRANS | Courts and Transportation (Kent) | Law Tac |
15312 | 3bd0 | D | S-TRANS | Courts and Transportation (Sussex) | Law Tac |
15344 | 3bf0 | D | N-SEC7 | Special Security Group 7 | Corrections |
15376 | 3c10 | D | N-SEC8 | Special Security Group 8 | Corrections |
15408 | 3c30 | D | N-PRTAC | Bureau of community Custody and Supervison | Law Tac |
15440 | 3c50 | D | N-PROPS | Probation/Parole (NCC) | Law Dispatch |
15472 | 3c70 | D | K-PROPS | Probation/Parole (Kent) | Law Dispatch |
15504 | 3c90 | D | S-PROPS | Probation/Parole (Sussex) | Law Dispatch |
15536 | 3cb0 | D | N-CTAC1 | Bureau of Prisons Tactical 1 (NCC) | Corrections |
15568 | 3cd0 | D | K-CTAC1 | Bureau of Prisons Tactical 1 (Kent) | Corrections |
15600 | 3cf0 | D | S-CTAC1 | Bureau of Prisons Tactical 1 (Sussex) | Corrections |
15632 | 3d10 | D | N-CTAC2 | Bureau of Community Custody and Supervision Tactical (NCC) | Law Tac |
15664 | 3d30 | D | K-CTAC2 | Bureau of Community Custody and Supervision Tactical (Kent) | Law Tac |
15696 | 3d50 | D | S-CTAC2 | Bureau of Community Custody and Supervision Tactical (Sussex) | Law Tac |
15728 | 3d70 | D | N-CERT1 | Emergency Response Team (NCC) | Corrections |
15760 | 3d90 | D | K-CERT1 | Emergency Response Team (Kent) | Corrections |
15792 | 3db0 | D | S-CERT1 | Emergency Response Team (Sussex) | Corrections |
15824 | 3dd0 | D | N-CERT2 | Emergency Response RifleTeam (NCC) | Corrections |
15856 | 3df0 | D | K-CERT2 | Emergency Response Rifle Team (Kent) | Corrections |
15888 | 3e10 | D | S-CERT2 | Emergency Response Rifle Team (Sussex) | Corrections |
15920 | 3e30 | D | DOC Transp | DOC Transportation | Corrections |
26096 | 65f0 | D | DOC Uid | DOC Unidentified | Corrections |
29200 | 7210 | D | K-Comm Correctio | Community Corrections (Kent) | Corrections |
29264 | 7250 | D | N-Hazel D Plant | Hazel D Plant Women's Treatment Center | Corrections |
29296 | 7270 | D | Wilm-Plummer CCC | Plummer Community Corrections Center | Corrections |