Las Cruces

Site: Las Cruces Police

Unique DB ID: 2826
County: Dona Ana

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 32.3428 Longitude: -106.8420 Range: 60 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
33002-092ALCPD Event 1Special Events Ch 1Law Tac
33102-093ALCPD Event 2Special Events Ch 2Law Tac
35202-120ALCPD AllCallPolice Fleet CallLaw Dispatch
35302-121ALCPD 1 DispChannel 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
35402-122ALCPD 2 NCICChannel 2 NCIC/Dispatch SecondaryLaw Tac
35502-123ALCPD 3 C-2-CChannel 3 Car-to-CarLaw Tac
35602-124AELCPD Ch 4 TACChannel 4 TACLaw Tac
35702-125ALCPD NMSP LENPatched to NMSP 155.55 (LEN)Interop
35802-126ALCPD 5 EventChannel 5 EventLaw Talk
35902-127ALCPD Code/ACCode Enforcement and Animal ControlLaw Talk
38503-001ALCPD CID 1Criminal Investigation Division Ch 1Law Tac
38603-002ALCPD CID 2Criminal Investigation Division Ch 2Law Tac
38703-003AeLCPD SurvSurveillanceLaw Tac
39003-006ALCPD Event 3Special Events Ch 3Law Tac
40303-023ALCPD SWATSWATLaw Tac
41003-032ALCPD MesilaMrshlPatched to Mesilla MarshallLaw Talk