191 | 0bf | D | Electronics Shop | Electronics Shop A | Public Works |
291 | 123 | D | Sign Shop A | Sign Shop A | Public Works |
293 | 125 | D | Sign Shop B | Sign Shop B Project | Public Works |
303 | 12f | D | Light/Power A | Light and Power A | Utilities |
305 | 131 | D | Light/Power B | Light and Power B | Utilities |
307 | 133 | D | Light/Power C | Light and Power C | Utilities |
311 | 137 | D | Light/Power | Light and Power | Utilities |
315 | 13b | D | Light/Power | Light and Power | Utilities |
339 | 153 | D | Corp Fac Maint | Corporate Facility Maintenance | Public Works |
359 | 167 | D | Project B | Roadways Project B | Public Works |
361 | 169 | D | Project C | Roadways Project C | Public Works |
363 | 16b | D | Water A | Water and Sewer A | Public Works |
365 | 16d | D | Water B | Water and Sewer B Project | Public Works |
367 | 16f | D | Roadways | Roadways | Public Works |
371 | 173 | D | Project A | Roadways Project A | Public Works |
507 | 1fb | D | Garbage Trucks | Garbage Trucks | Public Works |
517 | 205 | D | Landfill | Landfill | Public Works |
2313 | 909 | D | City Hall Sec | City Hall Security | Security |
2315 | 90b | D | CityHall Sec Alt | City Hall Security - Alternate | Security |