
Site: Elite Ambulance (Metro Chicago)

Unique DB ID: 25443
County: Cook

Reported to be utilizing Zello Push-to-Talk application. (7/1/2024)
Has reportedly left the Diga-Talk system and is now using 4G LTE. (2/19/21)

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 42.2290 Longitude: -87.7220 Range: 91.777 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2006DElite Medicar 1Medicar 1EMS Dispatch
2007DElite Medicar 2Medicar 2EMS Dispatch
2008DErickson AmbErickson Ambulance (Racine)EMS Dispatch
2009DElite West W/NWWest Dispatch (West and Northwest Suburbs)EMS Dispatch
2010DElite North N/LkNorth Dispatch (North Side and Lake County)EMS Dispatch
2011DElite East S/FarEast Dispatch (South and Far South Suburbs)EMS Dispatch
2012DElite IN AmbulanIndiana AmbulanceEMS Dispatch
2013DElite IN MedicarIndiana MedicarEMS Dispatch