Public Service Electric and Gas Co.
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Central Electric
Unique DB ID: | 25090 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 40.0024 | Longitude: | -74.4763 | Range: | 40 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
2576 | a10 | A | Central Trouble | Trouble | Utilities |
2608 | a30 | A | Central Switch | Switching | Utilities |
2640 | a50 | A | Central Ops | Operations | Utilities |
2672 | a70 | A | Central Line 1 | Line 1 | Utilities |
2704 | a90 | A | Central Line 2 | Line 2 | Utilities |
2736 | ab0 | A | Central Eng | Engineering | Utilities |
2768 | ad0 | A | Central UG1 | Underground 1 | Utilities |
2800 | af0 | A | Central UG2 | Underground 2 | Utilities |
2832 | b10 | A | Central UG Eng | Underground Engineering | Utilities |
2864 | b30 | A | Central Maint | Maintenance | Utilities |
2896 | b50 | A | Central Garage | Storeroom/Garage | Utilities |
2928 | b70 | A | Central CustOps | Customer Operations | Utilities |
2960 | b90 | A | Central Conv | Conversion | Utilities |
2992 | bb0 | A | Central WirePull | Wire Pull | Utilities |
3056 | bf0 | A | Central All-Call | All-Call | Utilities |
6992 | 1b50 | A | CenDivWide | Division Wide | Utilities |