San Bernardino County 12
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Sheriff
Unique DB ID: | 2502 |
County: | San Bernardino |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 35.0030 | Longitude: | -116.0596 | Range: | 120 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
336 | 150 | A | 12-WVC-2 | WVC-2 | Law Tac |
400 | 190 | A | CENTRAL JAIL | CENTRAL JAIL | Corrections |
624 | 270 | A | 12-WTAC-1 | WTAC-1 | Law Tac |
784 | 310 | A | 12-EVC-1 | EVC-1 | Law Tac |
848 | 350 | A | 12-ETAC-3 | ETAC-3 | Law Tac |
944 | 3b0 | A | 12-ATAC-1 | ATAC-1 | Law Tac |
976 | 3d0 | A | 12-ATAC-2 | ATAC-2 | Law Tac |
2096 | 830 | A | 12-FTAC-1 | FTAC-1 | Law Tac |
2128 | 850 | A | 12-FTAC-2 | FTAC-2 | Law Tac |
2160 | 870 | A | 12-CTAC-1 | CTAC-1 | Law Tac |
2192 | 890 | A | 12-CTAC-2 | CTAC-2 | Law Tac |
3120 | c30 | A | JUV HALL | JUVENILE HALL | Corrections |