
Site: Police

Unique DB ID: 24374
County: Buncombe

3/18/22: All Asheville Police TGs are now encrypted and cannot be monitored with a scanner.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.6009 Longitude: -82.5540 Range: 5 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1020127d9DEAPD 1Police Disp 1Law Dispatch
1020227daDEAPD 2Police Disp 2Law Tac
1020327dbDEAPD 3Police Disp 3Law Tac
1020427dcDEPolice Tac 1Police Tac 1Law Tac
1020527ddDEPolice Tac 2Police Tac 2Law Tac
1020627deDEPolice Tac 3Police Tac 3Law Tac
1020727dfDEPolice Tac 4Police Tac 4Law Tac
1020827e0DEPolice Tac 5Police Tac 5Law Tac
1021127e3DEAPD CNTCrisis Negotiation TeamLaw Tac
1021227e4DEPolice EmergencyPolice EmergencyLaw Tac
1021327e5DEAPD ERTERTLaw Tac
1021427e6DEPolice Spec OpsSpecial OpsLaw Tac
105532939DEAPD-1 LinkAPD 1 LinkLaw Dispatch