Oktibbeha County

Site: Mississippi State University

Unique DB ID: 23253
County: Oktibbeha

MSU Campus Police is transitioning to MSWIN.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 33.4291 Longitude: -88.8766 Range: 15 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
513201DMSU AthlAthleticsSchools
514202DMSU Stadium OpsAthletics Stadium OperationsSchools
516204DMSU Athl ParkingAthletics ParkingSchools
519207DMSU ORCORC OperationsSchools
521209DMSU Sec DispCampus Security DispatchLaw Dispatch
52220aDMSU PD TacCampus Police TacticalLaw Tac
52320bDMSU PD CarCampus Police Car to CarLaw Tac
52420cDMSU PD EvntCampus Police EventsLaw Tac
52620eDMSU HousingHousingSchools
529211DMSU Support1Support Operations 1Schools
530212DMSU Support2Support Operations 2Schools
531213DMSU TransitCampus Transit BusesTransportation
537219DMSU Maint 2Campus Maintenance 2Schools
54021cDMSU Maint 1Campus Maintenance 1Schools
545221DMSU ITSIT ServicesSchools
553229DMSU L1L1Schools
561231DMSU Phys 1Physical Plant 1Schools
562232DMSU Phys 2Physical Plant 2Schools
563233DMSU Phys 3Physical Plant 3Schools
569239DMSU MaintCampus MaintenanceSchools
617269DMSU Hs MaintHousing MaintenanceSchools
62026cDMSU Hs CoordMSU Housing Dept. Area CoordinatorsSchools
12154bfDMSU Athl ElevAthletics Stadium ElevatorsSchools