Denton County Regional Radio System

Site: Denton County Sheriff

Unique DB ID: 22368
County: Denton

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 33.2000 Longitude: -97.1300 Range: 23 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3003TDCSO Patrol 1Patrol 1Law Dispatch
5005TDCSO SupportSupportLaw Talk
7007TDCSO Tac 1Tac-1Law Tac
9009TDCSO Tac 2Tac-2Law Tac
1100bTDCSO Tac 3Tac-3Law Tac
1300dTDCSO Tac 4Tac-4Law Tac
1500fTDCSO SWAT 1SWAT 1Law Tac
19013TEDCSO NarcNarcoticsLaw Tac
21015TDCSO SurveillancSurveillanceLaw Tac
25019TDCSO WarrantsWarrantsLaw Tac
2701bTDCSO CourtsCourtsLaw Talk
2901dTDCSO AdminAdminLaw Talk
3101fTDCSO Car to CarCar to CarLaw Talk
33021TDCSO CountywideCounty Wide CallLaw Dispatch
35023TDCSO CountyWide2County Wide 2Law Talk
37025TDCSO Patrol 2Patrol 2Law Dispatch
39027TDCSO MarineMarine PatrolLaw Dispatch
41029TDCSO MentalMental HealthLaw Talk
4302bTDCSO TrafficTrafficLaw Tac
4502dTDCSO AlarmsAlarmsLaw Tac
4702fTDCSO Patrol 3Patrol 3Law Dispatch
49031TDCSO NCICNCIC infoLaw Tac
53035TDCSO Patrol 4Patrol 4Law Dispatch
4771ddTDCSO Jail 1Jail 1Corrections
4791dfTDCSO Jail MaintJail MaintenanceCorrections
4811e1TDCSO Jail 2Jail 2Corrections
4831e3TDCSO Jail 3Jail 3Corrections
4851e5TDCSO Jail 4Jail 4Corrections
4891e9TDCSO Jail CallJail CallCorrections
4911ebTDCSO Jail MedJail MedicalCorrections
4931edTDCSO Jail 5Jail 5Corrections
4951efTDCSO Jail 6Jail 6Corrections
4971f1TDCSO Jail 7Jail 7Corrections
4991f3TDCSO Jail 8Jail 8Corrections
5011f5TDCSO Jail 9Jail 9Corrections
5031f7TDCSO Jail10Jail 10Corrections
5051f9TDCSO Jail11Jail 11Corrections
5071fbTDCSO Jail12Jail 12Corrections