Kinston-Lenoir County
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Lenoir County Sheriff
Unique DB ID: | 2219 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 35.2627 | Longitude: | -77.5816 | Range: | 20 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
24112 | 5e30 | A | LCSO C/C 1 | Sheriff Car-to-Car 1 | Law Tac |
24144 | 5e50 | A | LCSO C/C 2 | Sheriff Car-to-Car 2 | Law Tac |
24176 | 5e70 | A | LCSO Jail | Sheriff Jail | Law Tac |
24192 | 5e80 | A | LCSO 24192 | Sheriff | Law Tac |
24208 | 5e90 | A | LCSO Disp | Sheriff Main | Law Dispatch |
24240 | 5eb0 | A | LCSO SRT | Sheriff SRT | Law Tac |
24272 | 5ed0 | A | LCSO Invest | Sheriff Investigations | Law Tac |
24304 | 5ef0 | A | LCSO Records | Sheriff Records | Law Tac |
24336 | 5f10 | A | LCSO Suprvsr | Sheriff Supervisor | Law Tac |
24368 | 5f30 | A | LCSO Tac 1 | Sheriff Tactical 1 | Law Tac |
24400 | 5f50 | A | LCSO Tac 2 | Sheriff Tactical 2 | Law Tac |
24464 | 5f90 | A | LCSO Vice | Sheriff Vice | Law Tac |
25616 | 6410 | A | LCSO Narcs | Narcotics | Law Tac |
25648 | 6430 | A | LCSO Probatn | Probation | Corrections |
25712 | 6470 | A | LCSO Narcs | Narcotics | Law Tac |