Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)

Site: Metro Transit

Unique DB ID: 22059
County: Statewide
Operates buses and trains, in St Louis (city), St Louis County and contracted by St Clair County (IL) Transit District.
Public Safety (Security/Police) talkgroup 10401 appears to be rebroadcast on Illinois' STARCOM21 talkgroup 7065, for St Clair County Sheriff Metro units to monitor.
MetroLink tracks between IL and MO have a simulcast system along the track alignment, site 2-06. 
See more info on Metro WIKI.  Also see St. Louis City database page    St. Louis County database page

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.6620 Longitude: -90.2370 Range: 26.533 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1040028a0DMetro Ops 10400Transit OpsTransportation
1040128a1DMetro Pub.SafetyPublic Safety: Dispatch (Security/Police) [Linked with SC21 TG7065}Security
1040228a2DMetroLink Ops EMetroLink Dispatch/Ops-East [ML OPS EAST]Transportation
1040328a3DMetroLink Ops WMetroLink Dispatch/Ops-East [ML OPS WEST]Transportation
1040428a4DML EmergencyMetroLink Emergency / ContractorsTransportation
1040628a6DML Maintenance06MetroLink/LRV Maintenance (to use tracks)Transportation
1040728a7DML Shop 10407Mechanics/Shop-Light Rail Movement/LRV Maintenance [PVR?] [Ch 4]Transportation
1040828a8DMetroAdmin 10408Admin (90x units; RPC/RTC/Trucks)Transportation
1040928a9DM SCCTD Bus10409Bus Ops / Training Transportation
1041028aaDM TSM Bus 10410Transit Service Managers (Bus Ops/Shop IL)Transportation
1041128abDM TSM Bus 10411Transit Service Managers - BusesTransportation
1041228acDM TSM Bus 0412Transit Service Managers - BusesTransportation
1041328adDM Call-A-RideBusCall-A-Ride BusesTransportation
1041428aeDMetroBus 10414Bus Route OpsTransportation
1041628b0DMetroBus ShopBus Repair / Maintenance OpsTransportation
1041728b1DMetroTransit 417Transit OpsTransportation
1041828b2DMetroBus 10418Bus Route OpsTransportation
1041928b3DMetroTransit 419Transit OpsTransportation
1042128b5DMetroTransit 421Transit OpsTransportation
1042328b7DMetroTransit 423Transit OpsTransportation
1042628baDML Event 10426MetroLink Admin/EventTransportation
1042928bdDMetroTransit 429Transit OpsTransportation
1043028beDMetroMaint 430Light Rail/Track MaintenanceTransportation
1043228c0DMetroTransit 432Transit Ops (TSS?)Transportation
1043328c1DML ROW Main 33MetroLink Right-of-Way Maintenance (Contract?)Transportation
1043728c5DMetroTransit 437Transit OpsTransportation
1044028c8DMetro Ops 10440OperationsTransportation
1044328cbDMetro Ops 10443OperationsTransportation
1044628ceDML Elec Maint 46MetroLink Electrical Maintenance (Traction Control?)Transportation
1044928d1DMetroTransit 449Transit OpsTransportation
1045328d5DMetro Ops 10453OperationsTransportation
1045428d6DMetro Ops 10454OperationsTransportation
1045528d7DMetro Shop 455Shop / Mechanics (Buses)Transportation
1045628d8DMetro Ops 10456Operations (Shop)Transportation
1045828daDMetroLnk Shop458Shop Entry/Departure (MetroLink) [TDC]?Transportation
1045928dbDMetro Ops 10459OperationsTransportation