Greensboro / Guilford County (Motorola)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: State
Unique DB ID: | 2201 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 36.0891 | Longitude: | -79.6454 | Range: | 28.446994540952 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
6960 | 1b30 | A | GDOT | GDOT | Public Works |
13136 | 3350 | A | SHP 1 | Troop D, Dist 2 - Primary Dispatch | Law Dispatch |
13200 | 3390 | A | NC DOT 1 | NC DOT 1 | Public Works |
13232 | 33b0 | A | NC DOT 2 | NC DOT 2 | Public Works |
13264 | 33d0 | A | NC DOT 3 | NC DOT 3 | Public Works |
13904 | 3650 | A | SHP 2 | SHP 2 | Law Tac |
13936 | 3670 | A | DMV | DMV Guilford County | Public Works |
35664 | 8b50 | A | NC DOT 4 | NCDOT 4 | Public Works |
35696 | 8b70 | A | NO DOT 5 | NCDOT 5 | Public Works |