Asheville Public Safety

Site: Asheville Police

Unique DB ID: 2130

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 35.6082 Longitude: -82.5211 Range: 21.6 Type: Inherited (System)


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
816330AEMERGENCYAPD Emergency TalkgroupLaw Tac
44321150AAPD INTEROPAPD Ch. 7 Interop with all agenciesInterop
48801310AAPD DISPATCHAPD Ch. 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
49121330AAPD-2APD not currently in useLaw Tac
49441350AAPD-2APD not currently in useLaw Tac
49761370AAPD DESKAPD Ch. 4 Help Desk/Special InfoLaw Tac
504013b0AAPD DCIAPD Ch. 2 General Info/NCICLaw Tac
507213d0AAPD TAC 1APD Ch. 3 Tactical PrimaryLaw Tac
510413f0AAPD TAC-2APD not currently in useLaw Tac
51361410AAPD TAC-3APD not currently in useLaw Tac
54241530AAPD ERT-1APD Swat TeamLaw Tac
54881570AAPD HNT-1APD Hostage NegotiationLaw Tac
59041710AAPD CID-1APD Criminal InvestigationLaw Tac
59361730AAPD NORTHAPD North District Special OpsLaw Tac
59521740AAPD ADMIN-2APD Administration 2 Sgts and HigherLaw Tac
60321790AAPD EASTAPD East District Special OpsLaw Tac
606417b0AAPD VICE-1APD Vice SquadLaw Tac
612817f0AAPD MEG-1APD Drug EnforcementLaw Tac
61601810AAPD SOUTHAPD South District Special OpsLaw Tac
62241850AAPD WESTAPD West District Special OpsLaw Tac
632018b0AAPD CENTRALAPD Central District Special OpsLaw Tac
72481c50AAPD ERTAPD Emergency Response Teams (S.W.A.T.)Law Tac
75361d70AAPD WALKAPD Downtown Walking BeatLaw Tac
75681d90AAPD MUT-AIDAPD Mutal Aid with other AgenciesLaw Tac
76001db0AAPD PH-TACAPD Public HousingMulti-Tac
76321dd0AAPD EVE-TACAPD Special EventsLaw Tac
76641df0AAPD TRAF-INVAPD Traffic Accident InvestigationLaw Tac
77601e50AAPD POLICEAPD Common Special OpsLaw Tac
80161f50ASKYLAND PDAPD to Skyland PDLaw Talk
87842250AAPD ADMIN-3APD Administration 3 *Lt's. and higher*Law Tac
249766190AAPD NCICNCICLaw Tac