Huntsville Public Safety

Site: Huntsville Police Department

Unique DB ID: 2051

For radio traffic on DEC 80 / HEX 50 / Dispatch-2 South, at approx. 23:00-06:00 hours you must switch over to DEC 112 / HEX 70 / Dispatch-3. The two channels South and West (Baker and Charlie Precincts) seem to be merged into two channels. I'm not 100% about the time slots but you just have to check each one. Also, dispatch/police personnel will somtimes refer to channels as Ax (how their MTS2000 radios are listed); make note of these:

A1 - North Dispatch (Alpha)
A2 - South Dispatch (Baker)
A3 - West Dispatch (Charlie)
A4 - Records Div.
A5 - Common (All Precincts)
A6 - Supervisor Channel (Designated: Unit x) (Very Rare Trans.)
A7 - North (Alpha) Common
A8 - South (Baker) Common
A9 - West (Charlie) Common

There are also channels Bx and Cx, on the MTS2000, for miscellaneous type channels. Also if your wondering about what the unit descriptions are, it works like this:

Unit "Designator" and "10-8" times

First Shift (10's; 0600-1400 / 20's; 0630-1430)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 11/21 (First Shift Sergeants)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 1x/2x; x>1 (First Shift Officers)

Second Shift (30's; 1400-2200 / 40's; 1430-2230)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 31/41 (Second Shift Sergeants)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 3x/4x; x>1 (Second Shift Officers)

Third Shift (50's; 2200-0600 / 60's; 2230-0630)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 51/61 (Third Shift Sergeants)
Alpha/Baker/Charlie - 5x/6x; x>1 (Third Shift Officers)

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 34.7304 Longitude: -86.5861 Range: 10 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
16010AHPD MFFSpecial Operations - Mobile Field ForceLaw Tac
48030AHPD Disp 1 NDispatch 1 - NorthLaw Dispatch
80050AHPD Disp 2 SDispatch 2 - SouthLaw Dispatch
112070AHPD Disp 3 WDispatch 3 - WestLaw Dispatch
144090AHPD RecordsRecordsLaw Tac
1760b0AHPD JailJailCorrections
2080d0AHPD SODSpecial Operations DivisionLaw Tac
2400f0AHPD Admin 2Admin-2Law Tac
272110AHPD CommonCommon (All PD)Law Tac
304130AHPD WarrantsWarrantsLaw Tac
336150AHPD AcademyAcademyLaw Tac
368170AHPD Comm SvcCommunity ServiceLaw Tac
400190AHPD TrainingTrainingLaw Tac
4321b0AHPD Sp Evt 3Special Event 3Law Tac
4641d0AHPD W CommonWest Precinct CommonLaw Tac
4961f0AHPD Cmd PostCommand PostLaw Tac
528210AHPD SR TacSR TacLaw Tac
560230AHPD K9 TacSR/K9 TacLaw Tac
592250AHPD OCUOCU (Vice/Narc)Law Tac
624270AHPD OCU TacOCU TacLaw Tac
6882b0AHPD CID ComnCID CommonLaw Tac
7202d0AHPD Tsk Frc3Task Force 3Law Tac
7522f0AHPD Sp Evt 1Special Event 1Law Tac
784310AHPD Sp Evt 2Special Event 2Law Tac
816330AHPD SupervsrSupervisors CommonLaw Tac
848350AHPD N CommonNorth Precinct CommonLaw Tac
880370AHPD S CommonSouth Precinct CommonLaw Tac
912390AHPD CID ComnCID CommonLaw Tac
9443b0AHPD IADIADLaw Tac
9763d0AHPD Task FrcTaskForceLaw Tac
10083f0AHPD MountedK9/Mounted PatrolLaw Tac
1040410AHPD SafetySafety PatrolLaw Tac
1104450AHPD FleetwdeFleetwideLaw Tac
3856f10AHPD Hsng DtlHousing DetailLaw Tac