Berks County

Site: County Interoperability

Unique DB ID: 20067
County: Berks

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 40.4450 Longitude: -75.9800 Range: 24 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60011771TL/L45.88 IOpPatch to 45.88 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60021772TL/H33.94 IOpPatch to 33.94 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60031773TVCall10 IOpPatch to VCall10 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60041774TVTac11 IOpPatch to VTac11 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60051775TNatPD IOpPatch to VHF National Police Interoperability OverlayInterop
60061776T155.295 IOpPatch to 155.295 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60071777T155.070 IOpPatch to 155.070 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60081778TUCall40 IOpPatch to UCall40 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60091779TUTac41 IOpPatch to UTac41 Interoperability OverlayInterop
6010177aTUTac42 IOpPatch to UTac42 Interoperability OverlayInterop
6012177cTBerks KnoxPatch to 800 Analog Channel (Primarily for Tone Transmission but Also for Voice Interop)Interop
6013177dT8Call90 IOpPatch to 8Call90 Interoperability OverlayInterop
6014177eT8Tac91 IOpPatch to 8Tac91 Interoperability OverlayInterop
6015177fT8Tac92 IOpPatch to 8Tac92 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60161780T8Tac93 IOpPatch to 8Tac93 Interoperability OverlayInterop
60171781TDES Mt PennPatch to VHF DES System Mount Penn II TowerInterop
60181782TDES EarlPatch to VHF DES System Earl TowerInterop
60191783TDES CentrePatch to VHF DES System Centre TowerInterop
60201784TDES New TripPatch to VHF DES System New Tripoli TowerInterop
60211785TPA STARNET I/O CPA-STARNET P25 Interop ClearInterop
60221786TPA-STARNET I/O EPA-STARNET P25 Interop EncryptedInterop
80101f4aTPennDOT SPV I/OPennDOT Safety Patrol InteropInterop
29003714bTCWIntraOpCalling Channel Among All UsersInterop
29004714cTRdgIntraOpCalling Channel Among All Reading UsersInterop