STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois

Site: DuPage County

Unique DB ID: 19816
County: DuPage

DuPage ETSB has created a ninth InterOp talkgroup called DUCALL, for hailing, monitored by ACDC and DU-COMM for InterOp talkgroup use requests. Talkgroup number is unknown. (12/23)

TG 2660 (originally called DU CART) has been seeing use by area Fire Departments to advise Argonne Labs that they are enroute to their facility for mutual aid response, as well as encrypted use by Police/Sheriff units.  (6/23)

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 41.8593 Longitude: -88.0855 Range: 13 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2633a49TDU InterOp 1InterOp 1 (DU-COMM)Interop
2634a4aTEDU InterOp 2InterOp 2 (DU-COMM)Interop
2635a4bTDU InterOp 3InterOp 3 (DU-COMM)Interop
2636a4cTEDU InterOp 4InterOp 4 (DU-COMM)Interop
2637a4dTDU Forest PD 2Forest Preserve District Police: Secondary ("2") *Law Talk
2638a4eTEDU InterOp 6InterOp 6 (ACDC)Interop
2639a4fTDU InterOp 7InterOp 7 (ACDC)Interop
2652a5cTEDU InterOp 8InterOp 8 (ACDC)Interop
2653a5dTDU Unified 3Unified Command 3Interop
2654a5eTDU SAO CIDState's Attorney Criminal Investigation DivisionLaw Tac
2656a60DDU PSAP-to-PSAPPSAP-to-PSAP (Point-to-Point)Multi-Dispatch
2657a61TDU DIRSDuPage Interoperable Radio System (DIRS)Interop
2658a62TDU Unified 1Unified Command 1Interop
2659a63TDU Unified 2Unified Command 2Interop
2660a64TeDU CARTAccident Reconstruction Task Force - DuCARTLaw Talk
2661a65TDU Joint TFJoint Task Force (Police and Fire)Multi-Tac
2668a6cTDU InterOp 5InterOp 5 (ACDC)Interop
2670a6eDDU Interop 2670Interoperability use? (former Itasca All Talk Group)Interop
2735aafTDU HmlndSec1Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 1Emergency Ops
2736ab0TeDU HmlndSec2Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 2Emergency Ops
2737ab1DEDuPage ETSBEmergency Telephone System Board (ETSB)Emergency Ops
2741ab5TDU Interop 2741Interoperability use? (former SWCD Net 9 Tac)Interop
2742ab6TEDU S/W Tac-1Statewide Tac-1 [DU STWD TAC1] Law Tac
2743ab7TEDU S/W Tac-2Statewide Tac-2 [DU STWD TAC2] Law Tac