0-02-020 | A | SchoolBus-WLA | School bus, West LA | Transportation |
0-02-021 | A | SchoolBus-LA | School bus, L.A. | Transportation |
0-02-052 | A | School Bus | School Bus - Irvine area | Transportation |
0-04-080 | A | SchoolBus080 | School Bus | Transportation |
0-08-153 | A | BUS B | Bus Base (paired with 0-08-154) | Transportation |
0-08-154 | A | BUS M | Bus Mobile (paired with 0-08-153) | Transportation |
0-08-174 | A | LAX FlyAway | LAX FlyAway Bus | Transportation |
0-08-175 | A | School Bus | School Bus | Transportation |
0-08-176 | A | School Bus 176 | School Bus | Transportation |
0-10-043 | A | Bus 043 | Charter Bus | Transportation |
0-10-057 | A | Bus 057 | Charter Bus | Transportation |
0-10-069 | A | CharterBus | Charter bus service - LA and SFV areas | Transportation |
0-11-069 | A | MV Base | MV Transportation Bus (Downey Link, Cerritors on Wheels) | Transportation |
0-11-070 | A | MV Mobile | MV Transportation Bus (Downey Link, Cerritors on Wheels) | Transportation |
0-11-071 | A | DashBus-M | DASH Bus Operations - Mobile (MV Transportation Operated Routes) | Transportation |
0-11-072 | A | DashBus-B | DASH Bus Operations - Base (MV Transportation Operated Routes) | Transportation |
0-11-074 | A | LA Dash | LA Dash Bus (MV Transportation) Base | Transportation |
0-11-074 | A | Bus-B 11074 | Bus "Compton" "San Pedro" | Transportation |
0-11-084 | A | Bus 084 | Bus Operations - Supervisors | Transportation |
0-11-124 | A | LA Dash | LA Dash Bus ((MV Transportation) Mobile to 0-11-074 | Transportation |
0-14-153 | A | BUS B | Bus Base (paired with 0-14-154) "Hollywood" | Transportation |
0-14-154 | A | BUS M | Bus Mobile (paired with 0-14-153) "Hollywood" | Transportation |
0-14-169 | A | School Bus 169 | School Bus - Inglewood / South Bay area | Transportation |
0-14-170 | A | School Bus 170 | School Bus | Transportation |
0-14-172 | A | School Bus 172 | School Bus - Hawthorne area | Transportation |
0-14-174 | A | School Bus | School Bus | Transportation |
0-14-178 | A | Charter Bus | Charter Buses | Transportation |
0-17-112 | A | BeelneBusOps | Glendale Beeline Bus Operations | Transportation |
0-17-115 | A | CarsonBus-B | Carson Circuit Bus Operations - Base | Transportation |
0-17-116 | A | CarsonBus-M | Carson Circuit Bus Operations - Mobile | Transportation |
0-17-120 | A | BeelneBusSUP | Glendale Beeline Supervisor | Transportation |
0-18-187 | A | School Bus | School Bus - Bellflower area | Transportation |
0-19-047 | A | Bus 047 B | Bus - Central LA Base (paired with 0-19-048) | Transportation |
0-19-048 | A | Bus 048 M | Bus - Central LA Mobile (paired with 0-19-047) | Transportation |
0-19-049 | A | Bus 049 | Bus | Transportation |
0-19-050 | A | Bus 050 M | Bus - Long Beach/South Bay - Mobile (paired with 0-19-051) | Transportation |
0-19-051 | A | Bus 051 B | Bus - Long Beach/South Bay Base (paired with 0-19-050) | Transportation |